Chapter 15

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The antidote

Do not contend with the hand that made you who you are, because what's done can be undone.                         J Daniel.

Later the next day morning, Murdock and Maria arrived at the DOD, Director Shaw and Sonia were at the control room, Jimmy was also with them and a few other agents, Murdock introduced her to Director Shaw and the others.

“ Meet Maria, Dr Maria, she's the one I told you guys about,'' Murdock said to Director Shaw.

“ Hi Dr Maria, it's a pleasure to meet you,” Director Shaw smiled and said.

“ The pleasure is all mine,'' Maria replied smiling, then they shook hands and the introductions continued.

“ Umm ...!!, this is Sonia and Jimmy,” Murdock said, pointing to Sonia and Jimmy.

“ Nice to meet you all,'' Maria said, still smiling as she shook hands with them.

“ Nice to meet you too,” Sonia and Jimmy both replied.

“ Welcome to the DOD,” Director Shaw said, still smiling extravagantly.

“ Wow ...!!, this place looks amazing, what an amazing tech you have here,'' Maria said, looking around the control room, she was amazed by the sight of all she saw.

“ Thank you, I'm sure Murdock has already briefed you of why you're here,'' Director Shaw said.

He was just about to finish the statement when Doctor Kareem walked in to join them.

“ This is Doctor Kareem, he will be working with you and Murdock on making an antidote, I'm sure that with all you brilliant minds joined together, you'll get the antidote done,” Director Shaw added.

Maria and Doctor Kareem shook hands and smiled at each other.

“ If you would follow me, I will take you to the lab,” Doctor Kareem said politely.

“ Yeah sure,'' Maria said as she and Murdock followed Dr Kareem to the lab where they will be working on making the antidote.

Three days later, they hadn't made any breakthrough in making the antidote yet, but they were working as hard and as fervently as they could.

Murdock left Doctor Kareem and Maria at the lab and headed to the control room, he bumped into Director Shaw at the hallway, they were both heading to the control room.

“ Any luck with the antidote?,” Director Shaw asked.

“ Not yet, but if anyone can do it, its Maria, I never told her, but it was actually some adjustment she did to my formula that helped me figure out a way to successfully make the syrup without any harmful effect to its host,” Murdock said.

“ Alright, I believe you, let's hope she pulls out another miracle this time,” Director Shaw said.

They arrived at the control room and met Sonia and Jimmy, including a female FBI agent called Audrey, a 27 years old beautiful lady, her skin tone was somewhere between medium and dark, she hard a long dark hair, oval shaped face, average height and she was dressed in a complete gray color suit, black hills and a black shirt which was fully tucked into her trouser pants.

“ Sir…, this is Audrey, the Director of the Federal Bureau of investigations,” Sonia said to Director Shaw immediately he walked in.

Director Shaw and Audrey shook hands and smiled at each other.

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