Chapter 6

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The Transformation

We are all burn to become something, destiny is not something you can run from, its either you find it or it finds you.                                                 J Daniel

Thirty minutes later, Murdock woke up as a different man.  He was strong, he could literally feel power flowing through his veins. His face and entire body became hairy like a gorilla. His body was still in human form, but his build was big and masculine. His veins were like cable wires spread across his body. His chest and muscle were thick and firm. His face changed a bit, he didn't look much like his former self. His face was a bit hairy too but not as hairy as his body. He had two long sharp teeth like a saber tooth cat, all of his teeth became stronger and enhanced. He didn't understand what had happened, he felt odd. He touched his teeth and felt something like two long sharp teeth, he looked at his fingers and saw he also had claws like a lion. What the hell is happening to me? He was so confused. Suddenly he could hear the sound of everything within a 30 mile radius.  His heart is racing his confusion accelerated to a higher level. It feels like my mind is going to explode, he thought as he grabbed his head. He stood up and looked into the mirror on the wall. The glass was partially broken but some parts were left hanging there. He saw what he had become, a " BEAST"

His clothes were torn up like rags. He was scared of what he saw. He screamed loud, and beat his chest like a gorilla. He roared loudly like a lion and fainted. Everyone in and outside the entire facility was confused. the blast had caused a heavy quake all over the entire facility. Everything was a complete mess. Everyone was moving around in a confused state. When Murdock woke he had returned to his normal state. When he looked into the mirror a second time and saw his normal self he thought...

Maybe I was dreaming. 

 He managed to carry himself staggering away from the lab. Murdock was able to slip out of the lab without being seen. Once Salvador and the board members of the military covert organization came too they rushed to the lab and saw that everything had been destroyed, the device that was planted in the floor was now gone without a trace. Murdock was nowhere to be found in the lab. They rushed into their visual room which managed to survive the quake.  It was a bit rearranged due to the quake, but the security system was still active. They pulled up the surveillance footage of the lab right before the blaze. They didn't see the device that Murdock had witness land in the lab. There was no footage of that, but what they did see was Murdock, when he woke up as a beast. Continued to watch and also saw when he fainted again and woke up a second times his normal self. They all thought he used the syrup on himself.  Salvador pulled out his phone and called Murdock. Murdock picked the call without saying a word. 

“ Where are you and where is the syrup?” Salvador asked.

Murdock spoke with a tired and weak voice, “ I know the plans,  I heard you all talking about assassinating the President and destroying the nation. I will not let you use my work for evil purposes. I destroyed the syrup, I destroyed everything.”

“We saw a surveillance footage of you transforming, we know you used the syrup on yourself.  We are ready to overlook everything, just give us the syrup and we'll let you go. We will still pay you your money.”

“I did not use the syrup on myself, I don't know what happened to me, but I'm okay now. I will never allow my work to be used for evil." Murdock said.

“Look Murdock, these men are people you don't wanna mess with. You need to think about your daughter.  Please do yourself a favor and return the syrup.” 

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