Chapter 3

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A failed attempt at creating the syrup

Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty, and persistence.                           Colin Powell

A week later, Murdock and Maria were in the lab at the military covert organization, working on the DNA enhancement syrup. Murdock and Maria worked really hard to make the syrup, following their calculations and formulas, a few hours later, they were ready to do their first animal test, they got a male gorilla and put him in confinement and then they injected the gorilla with the syrup and began to observe his vitals to see how he would react to the syrup, unfortunately things went bad and the gorilla began shaking like someone having a convulsion attack. 

“ His vitals are bad, he's not gonna survive,” Murdock exclaimed! 

 Then blood began to come out of the gorilla's eyes, ears, nose and mouth, and the gorilla died, “ Oh poor gorilla,” Maria exclaimed sadly. 

“What did we miss? The formula was correct, everything was on point, it is supposed to work,” Murdock asked sadly and then he began to cross check through their calculations on the board.

Maria replied “ It's supposed to work, I guess we missed something, maybe just one slight error.”

They looked through their calculations on the board and couldn't find any mistake or error.

Murdock said, “It all seems correct to me, I can't find any mistake, everything is correct and it is supposed to work.”

Filled with so much confusion, Maria replied, “I can't find any errors either, but we must have missed something, I think.” 

Murdock asked, “ What did we miss?” 

She replied, “ I don't know, but I suggest we call it a day for now, go home and think through our calculations, maybe we will figure something out, but we can't do anything now, let's just go home, we'll continue tomorrow.”

Murdock paused for a moment, just staring at the calculations on the board, then he said “ Okay fine, we'll continue tomorrow.”

They shut down the lab and left the building, they both walked towards Maria's car which was parked in the facility parking garage. It was already 8pm at that time and Murdock waved her goodbye, “ Have a good night,” he said. 

Maria smiled and said “ So umm!!, why don't we go somewhere and have something to drink huh? I'm buying.”

Murdock hesitated and said smiling “ Yeah! That sounds great, but I gotta go home to my daughter.”

“ Oh! You have a daughter?” she exclaimed asking. 

“ Yes I do, she's my everything, my beautiful angel,” Murdock replied. 

“That's really great, she's such a lucky child to have a dad like you, but I'm sure a few minutes to have a drink with me won't hurt anyone, it's not like I'm gonna take you away from her and become your daughter,” she said with great laughter. 

They both laugh loudly for a quick while, then Murdock looked straight into her eyes smiling.

She winked and said, “ Come on.”

“Okay fine,” Murdock said and then he entered her car and they both drove away from the compound, they soon arrived at El Camino Real Bar there in South Los Angeles, they got in and ordered a bottle of beer each, the bartender gave then two bottles of beer and two glasses. They took a seat, poured the beer into the glass cups and began to drink. 

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