Chapter 12

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Moment of Revenge

Revenge is like a virus, if not treated, I will engulf the heart of its prey and send its prey on a lonely journey of anger, hatred, sorrow and pain, watch out for it.                                                      
                                                         J Daniel.

After some hours of intense training, Sonia left Murdock in the training room, Murdock quickly packed up his training materials and left the training room, on his way out he ran into Jimmy who was coming to look for Director Shaw.

“ Hey!!….. Jimmy, how is it going?,” Murdock said, smiling intensively.

“ Great ..., absolutely great, you seem ridiculously happy,'' Jimmy said.

They both laughed for a quick while, it was quite an awkward moment of laughter.

“ Hey umm!!, have you seen Director Shaw around, he asked me to search something about the location of a certain military covert organization, I found their location,'' Jimmy Added, looking around to see if he would find Director Shaw.

“ Oh really?, well yeah ..., Director Shaw went out,'' Murdock said smiling suspiciously.

He placed his hand across Jimmy's shoulder and walked Jimmy into the training room.

“ Actually, he asked me to get the location from you once you have it, I have to meet him up down town, we have some business to take care of, you understand?,'' Murdock added, speaking calmly and quietly.

“ Ahh!!...., yeah I do, okay here it is,'' Jimmy said, showing Murdock the new location of the leaders of the military covert organization.

“ Thank you, you're a good lad,” Murdock tapped Jimmy on his right shoulder and said, he was smiling suspiciously as he immediately walked away as fast as his legs could carry.

Writers POV:

It must be a good day for Murdock, obviously he has finally gotten the opportunity to get his revenge, I can imagine how glad he feels.

Jimmy thought the way Murdock was acting seems odd but well.

What do I know?, he said in his mind. 

Soon Murdock arrived at the location, the facility was big, surrounded by some mountains, the entire floor and mountains where covered with Snow ice, Murdock took cover behind a small rock that stood alone from the big rocks, he carefully watched and observed the facility, there were so many armed soldiers on guard and machineries with heavy duty guns were installed and positioned inside the compound, at the front, by the entrance of the facility, some soldiers were armed and keeping guard over the facility, some others where busy carrying boxes and doing their individual activities, the entire facility was surrounded with barbed wire fence, soon three helicopters arrived at the facility and landed inside the compound, the helicopters conveyed all the leaders of the military covert organization, Murdock's eyes bugged out in exiting knowing he has finally found his daughters killers, it's now time to take his revenge, meanwhile back at the DOD, Director Shaw came back, he couldn't find Murdock, he asked Sonia about his whereabouts but Sonia couldn't tell, they both went to ask Jimmy at the power room, a big massive room, where power is generated to the entire building, they tried to find out if Jimmy knew where Murdock went.

On seeing them both walking towards him, he quickly finished what he was doing.

“ Sir, I just finished installing the power accelerator, now we can have enough energy to power the new alien computer we found,” Jimmy said, excitedly.

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