Chapter 11

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The offer to join the DOD

There are some battles you can't fight alone, don't let pride stop you from seeking support when you need one.                                               
                                               Rahul Gautam

Later that day, everyone was excited in the DOD, the capture of the Sakana brothers and the retrieval of the Biochemical weapon made everyone so happy and excited, it was a big win for the DOD, Sonia and her team were appreciated for their big role in the success of the operation, but Sonia was more happy that she didn't lose any member of her team, no member of her team died in the operation and that made her so happy, Murdock was also appreciated for stepping in at the last minute to save the day, Murdock and Director Shaw were seated in his office having a discussion, an office table separated them, Murdock was seated at the visitors side of the table while Director Shaw sat at the owners side.

“ Thank you for today, if you hadn't stepped in when you did, today would have been a disaster,'' Director Shaw said with a big smile.

“ Well, there's really no reason to thank me, since I got my powers, I've seen it as an opportunity to make sure what happened to my daughter does not happen to others, it's just my little way of honoring her,” Murdock replied.

“ Yeah..., I understand, why don't you join the DOD?, that will give you a better chance at protecting your country from all kinds of threats, both human and alien, and with our resources, you can do a lot, besides we could use someone like you,” Director Shaw said.

Then he stood up from his seat, walked to his wine shelf and poured some wine into two glasses, he stretched his hand and offered Murdock a glass of wine, then he drank from the other glass, he took a sip and said.

“ What do you say?,” he asked Murdock.

Murdock glared at him for a quick minute, then he took a sip and replied.

“ I don't think that would be a good idea, I have so much mess in my life right now, I have the police on my neck and I also have my daughters death to avenge, I'm no good for the DOD,”

Director Shaw smiled and walked towards the visitors side of the table, he sat on the table next to Murdock's chair and placed a hand on Murdock's left shoulder.

“ What if I can help you solve all your problems and get your life back on track my friend?,” Director Shaw asked.

Murdock exhaled deeply and said, “ I don't know, it would be great to join the DOD, but all I know is that I'm no good to you until I settle my mess, by the way, you said you can help me find the leaders of the military covert organization, can you please do that now, so I can stop them once and for all,'' Murdock said.

Director Shaw walked back and sat back on his sit and asked saying, “ Are you sure your desire is to stop them or what you really desire is just revenge?”

“ They are one in the same, Revenge or not, it is still stopping them,” Murdock replied.

Director Shaw smiled and said, “ There is a difference between trying to stop them and trying to get revenge, taking revenge means you wanna kill them, the best thing to do would be to apprehend them and let them face the judgment of the law,”

Murdock became a bit angry, he stood up from his seat and began pacing while speaking.

“ Who cares about the law, where was the law when they killed my sweet little girl?, what they deserve is death and death is what I will give them,”

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