"Ying and yang"-Inosuke x reader FLUFF

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For Zen_Xera

"Hahaha, we're like the opposite but I like how we teach each other new beautiful things"

"Tanjiro!", you called out in a hurry.
The burgundy male waved at you," y/n what is it?", he asked in a friendly manner.
You were clearly exhausted and your soft face was covered in sweat.
"I-Inosuke", you barely said in a barely audible tone.
"Yes?", Tanjiro asked a bit worried.
You looked straight at him, eyebrows furrowed.
"Where is he?"
"U-umm he is still in the butterfly estate recovering"
"Good, thank you."
You ran past him hurrying almost tripping over a couple of times, your kimono was now dirtied and your hair...well...a mess.

As you neared the door where Inosuke resides you stopped in front of it.

You knocked on the door with three confident knocks.
"Come in"
You slammed the door open and your eyes met with a certain blonde hair.
"Y-y/n?", Zenitsu said with his eyes widened," how did you travel here so quickly?".
"I ran"
Then you went up to Inosuke and smiled.
"Inosuke!", you hugged him into a tight embrace and placed your head onto his chest.
He didn't respond though.
"S-suke?",you lifted your head up to him, he had his mask on. (*Suke is the nickname you call him by)
"Are you ok?", you placed your hand on his and held it," why are you quiet?"
Meanwhile, Zenitsu quietly tiptoed out of the room and shut the door behind him.

You shook him a bit but to no avail he didn't respond.
"H-hey...suke",you were worried and your voice started to quiver a bit," I heard what happened....you're not weak".
Inosuke sat up on the bed and took his mask off.
The sight...a heartbreaking sight.
"N-no...I am weak y/n", his eyes were red and puffy and his strong eyes weren't gleaming like they used to.
You cupped his face gently and kissed him on the forehead.
"It's ok to lose sometimes Suke...everyone does...and they learn from it and become stronger than they ever were", you caressed his cheeks lovingly.
He looked at you mesmerised by your amazing beauty and back hugged you.
"But I failed", he tucked his head at the crook of your neck and silent tears fell from his emerald eyes.
"No you didn't fail. Look at you, you're still alive after the fight you had...no ordinary person would've been able to still be alive after such brutal fight", you turned your head around," you're strong Suke, not only physically but also emotionally...I have never met someone so valiant and determined as you, and I mean that.", you turned your whole body around and held his chin up.
"So don't feel like you're a failure.", you rubbed the tears from his face and gave a warming smile.
You saw the slight glimmer in his eyes again, he felt hope.
He felt hope whenever you said such sweet things to him, he felt hope when your eyes meet his, he felt hope when you are there...by his side.

"I'm so grateful to have someone like you with me", the corner of his mouth tugged into a slight smile.
"There's my Suke I know and love", you ruffled his hair and giggled.
He responded by tackling you down into the bed with a dark grin.
"What is it?", you questioned blinking a few times.
"It's time!", he started to attack your waist and neck making you burst out laughing non stop.
"S-Suke! Stop! ", you tried to push him off but he was far too strong for you.
"Nope!", he responded.
You were running out of breath from the nonstop laughter.
"Hahaha!", Inosuke stopped and laughed," I like seeing you laugh like that", he stated.
"Well I don't like it", you pouted your lips and crossed your arms.
"Awww is lil y/n mad at me!", he teasingly said," What are you going to do? Fight me?!", he exclaimed whilst laughing his ass off.
You sat there arms crossed and lips still pouted.
"Fine then I won't talk to you!", you stated and turned yourself away from him.
He suddenly stopped laughing and clung himself onto you whilst moaning like a baby.
"Y/n! Please talk to me!", he exclaimed holding onto your waist.
You just ignored him.
He tried to get your attention by hugging you and putting his face in front of yours, they didn't work.
"Y/n, come on I was just joking!", he said with a pleading face," ok I'm sorry!".
Your face lit up,"thank you", you stated.
"You really don't like apologising", you said.
"Obviously!", he exclaimed in anger.
"Why is that?", you questioned smiling at him making him blush.
"I-it's just that..."
"Umm because it.."
"Come on say it Suke!"
You sat there with widened eyes and face blank.
You burst out laughing.
Inosuke looked at you with a flustered face.
"Yes really".

You placed your head on his lap still laughing and gave out a wide smile.
"You're lucky that you're my girlfriend or else I would've snapped"
You lifted your arms towards his face and held his cheeks.
"I know"
"Now lets cuddle", he stated and before you could respond he already had his firm arms wrapped around your waist and your face on his chest.
"Hmm~",you hummed.
"Is something wrong?", he asked.
"No...I just like this"
He kissed your forehead with a small peck.
"Me too, idiot"
Ok first of all, I'm very VERY sorry for not updating in almost a week it's because I have sooooo much prep to do and I only have 12 days to do then since it's the holidays for me atm. BUT I will start to update normally after a week or two.

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