Scenarios with the pillars part4!

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"What is it like having a baby with them?"

-him:*looks at the child* I guess you're cute?
-jk jk he actually adores yours and his child
-he sings the bby to sleep  UwU
-he is filled with UwUs, so when he is with the bby it's double the UwUs
-squishes the cheeks
-he feeds them
-he wants to stargaze with them
-did I forget the bby has the same eyes as his :0

-god bless this man cus he is such a good dad
-he always buys something for them when he goes to a mission
-kisses them on the forehead a lot
-h u g s
-He legit tried to talk baby language with them cus it's a way to 'connect with them'
-He shows them off UwU
-"that's my boy!"
-the baby has his hair colour and your eye colour
-he doesn't mind whether it's a girl or boy, he just wants to be the best dad :')
-Legit there is always a day in the week where Kyojuro will just talk about the bby like there is no tomorrow

-bby is gonna be spoilt
-"he/she has definitively inherited my flamboyance!"
- he LOVES to dress them up in cute outfits
-is always seen carrying the bby in his arms
- d e f e n s i v e
-"I love you both so much"
-literally his world
-will want to teach them the sound breathing technique
-cus he needs a successor, and he won't allow anyone else to be it
-always tells you how much you and him made a great bby ;)
-has his hair colour and eyes

-turns soooo soft UwU
-he baby talks to the bby but don't tell anyone or else he's gonna he real pissed
-will insist on taking care of the baby so you can rest
-cradles them
-"god dammit he/she is so cute"
-kisses the baby's face everywhere!
-at first he was rlly nervous and worried
-but after seeing the baby he became like jelly
-the baby has your hair colour and his eyes
-also he/she has his personality so-

- P U R E
-it's like seeing a cat meeting something new for the first time
-he was so nervous
-he absolutely adores yours and his child
-takes them on quiet walks around town and buys them anything!
-Reads them stories UwU
-"I feel complete"
-he can't contain his smiles
-he wants to be their best friend :'(
-sometimes sleeps with the bby
-baby has your hair colour and his eyes

- she does their hair everyday
-cuddles them!
-she becomes extra soft and kind
-you can just tell that she absolutely loves them
-"Ara ara, it's time for sleep~"
-dresses them up in cute outfits
-she also cradles them until they fall asleep
-just wholesome.
-too wholesome
-the baby has her hair colour and your eyes

-did snakey boi just turn soft?
-yes, yes he did.
-he loves to make the baby laugh and smile
-admires them quietly
-p r o t e c t i v e
-"don't even make a sound or else b/n is going to wake up"
-kisses all the way!
-he wants to be a great dad!
-would like to teach them the serpent breathing technique
-cus he also doesn't want anyone to be his tsugoku
-only loves you and the baby

-everywhere she goes the baby comes
-she will not leave the baby even one second
-baby has a big appetite just like her mum UwU
-"look! Look! Doesn't she/he look like a lil angel!"
-braids their hair like hers
-feeds Mochi to them
-baby has the same exact personality as hers
-she hugs both you and the baby at the same time cua she loves her family UwU
-pure and wholesome
-the baby has her hair color and different colored eyes

-he is experienced with taking care of kids and babies
-carries them on his shoulder (just like how he always wanted to do :'D)
- he loves to put them in his lap and just play with them
-when he carries them he keeps them under his haori so they are warm UwU
-will do anything for the baby
-he wants them to live a peaceful and happy life
-likes to place you on his lap ,with the baby being held by you, and just cuddling and admiring
-he loves the feeling of being a dad
-is a shy one though OwO
-buys them gifts always!
Just some wholesome content!
Demon version next!

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