Don't Look Back In Anger (X)

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At the end of the long afternoon following the challenge, Golf Ball was hiding behind a bush,  listening to the conversation between Barf Bag and Taco. Once she caught one of the two in a moment of distraction, Golf Ball whispered Barf Bag's name.

Barf Bag turned around. "Huh?"

"Come here! I need to tell you something."

Barf Bag stood up. "Excuse me, Taco. I have some errands to take care of. I'll be back later!" She went towards the bush Golf Ball was hiding behind. "What is it, Golf Ball?"

"You can generate acid, right?"

"Uh..." Barf Bag looked around. "Yeah, I can."

"Good! You see, I have to recover someone from that crazed lemon leaf."

"Uh huh. Who is it?"

"It's Grassy. He ditched my team and joined Leafy's. I have to get him back, and get him back fast, you know?"

"So?" Barf Bag shrugged, failing to understand why Golf Ball was asking her, of all people.

"I was wondering if you could help me get rid of that green prison."

Barf Bag looked at Physis's team house. "Wait, are you sure this is a good idea? I saw what Leafy is capable of doing last night."

"Anything is a good idea when the end goal is getting your teammates back!" Golf Ball adopted a triumphant stance. She would successfully bring Grassy back this time. She had to.

"Alright..." Barf Bag and Golf Ball walked towards the green building.

"You could apply some of that acid to the roots." Golf Ball pointed at the big plant hanging on the wall.

Barf Bag obliged; she generated a sample of her acid to see if it worked on the plant.

It worked; a leaf was corroded by the acid. The two then heard a rumbling noise. "Huh?" The branch moved and knocked them out.

Golf Ball tried her best to stand up. "Gah! It knows!" She shook her head. "There has to be a way to kill these weeds!"

Barf Bag turned around and noticed Taco walking towards the two. "Taco!"

"What's going on?" Taco stood up. "What are you doing to that house, Barf Bag?"

"It's for Golf Ball." Barf Bag blushed and scratched her head.

"She's right, Taco!" Golf Ball intervened.

"Wait, that's Leafy's house, right?" Taco inspected the plants making up the building.

"Yes, it is." Barf Bag nodded. "Golf Ball says she needs to recover Grassy."

Taco looked back at the two. "Ah. The whole Leafy drama."

"You know her?" Golf Ball gasped.

"Yeah, but not as a friend." Taco looked away and blushed.

"What happened?" Golf Ball leaned on Taco and crossed her legs.

"Remember the jawbreaker contest? Well, I was trapped inside the jawbreaker that ended up with Beep. I heard everything that was going on in that team. When the team was announced as the losers of the challenge, Leafy went on a tangent about loyalty or some other nonsense." Taco sighed. "I had to free myself with my fire powers."

Awestruck by Taco's tale, Golf Ball then looked away for a brief moment. "Wait, fire powers, you said?"

"Yup." Taco was leaning against the house.

"Great! Could you burn–"

"Golf Ball, no." Taco groaned. She could not believe that someone rational like Golf Ball would ever resort to arson. She put the palm of her hand against her face in contempt. "And besides, this sounds like your problem, not mine! Why don't you ask your teammates instead?"

Taco's proposition made Golf Ball sit down, think about it all and cover her face in shame. "My goodness, why didn't I just do that?"

"Surely they must have noticed that Grassy is missing!" Taco shrugged.

After an awkward moment of silence, Barf Bag resumed the conversation. "So... Jawbreakers! I helped my team win by covering the jawbreaker with acid." She looked at Taco, with the confidence that came with remembering her success. "If I'd known about your situation, I would have helped you, Taco!"

"It's okay, Barf Bag." Taco smiled at Barf Bag, blushing. "Or perhaps you want me to call you... Barfy?" Taco looked at her coyly and made her blush.

"Aww, stop it, Fishy Toes!" Barf Bag covered her face. "You don't want Dimples to think we're crazy!"

Dimples. "Well, gals, I have to go. It was nice talking to you two." Golf Ball exhaled in anger, before turning around and going back to her laboratory.

Taco and Barf Bag looked on as Golf Ball went away. "Man, Golf Ball's acting weird, ain't she?"

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