Breakfast in America (XXIII)

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Some hours after Leafy and Beep had patched things up, Four was sleeping on their bed, as was routine by this point, not letting the sunshine bother them.

X looked at Four and caressed their nub. "Four, wake up."

Four budged a bit, but they were still asleep.

"The show ain't gonna host itself!" X was giggling, but then stopped as they soon realized that Four probably hadn't even heard that. They walked to another point in the bedroom and thought. They had an idea! "Four! It's ice cream time!"

Upon hearing those words, Four sprang up and got out of bed, unable to hold their excitement for the delicious breakfast they were about to have. "For real?"

X nodded. "A special kind of ice cream, too! The contestants will make it!"

Four's curiosity got the best of them. "Ooh, I can't wait!" They hugged X.

"Now let's go!" X and Four walked out of their house. "Today's challenge is to make some ice cream for Four! He hasn't had his breakfast yet." X announced with glee.

"And make it fast!" Four snapped their fingers. "I'm a hungry number."

"Guys! I know what we should do!" Golf Ball looked at her teammates. "Four may be aware of their health, so we need to make an ice cream that is healthy and delicious!"

"Ooh! Ooh!" Blocky waved his arm, trying to grab Golf Ball's attention. "I know! How about some delicious chocolate ice cream with chunks of solid chocolate?"

"Blocky, that's the opposite of healthy" Golf Ball sighed.

TV scanned Four and generated some possible ice cream flavors, all fruit. Golf Ball looked at the results. "Hm. Sounds healthy! Let's get the machines going!" And indeed, the team got into making the healthy ice cream for Four.

"Well, I'm not known for my culinary abilities..." Nickel chuckled. "Since none of my relatives had anything to do with cooking..."

"It's okay, Nickel!" Balloony patted him. "We've got some vanilla ice cream!"

"Nice, but don't you think something is missing?"

"Huh? What do you mean?" Balloony didn't understand what Nickel was trying to tell him. His doubts were however dissolved when Nickel took out a pack of sprinkles. "Ah, now I get it!" Balloony smiled.

"Hold on, we need some ingredients!" Leafy generated a yoyleberry plant and picked the berries. "Now we're ready!"

"Grassy loves yoyleberries!" Grassy picked a berry from the plant and ate it.

"So, we're not going with the dark chocolate fantasy I talked about?" Flower shrugged.

"Barely any flavor in your proposal was chocolate." Ruby shook her head in contempt.

"Match, what's your favorite ice cream flavor?" Pencil looked at the fellow wooden girl.

"You can't, like, go wrong with, like, hazelnut!" Match replied.

Tree jumped. "Black Hole, can you make an ice cream for Four?"

Black Hole sighed, as he couldn't believe he actually heard that.

"I'll take that as a no. Remote!" Tree grabbed her. "Can you hack your way to some ice cream?"

"Affirmative! I've analyzed Four, and it turns out they love flavors like dark chocolate." Remote opened the Terminal and began typing.

Meanwhile, over at W.O.A.H. Bunch, the teammates were looking at Pin, hoping that she would deliver, as she had always done with meals. "You know what to do!" Coiny smirked.

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