Snowballed (XXXVII)

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While Lollipop and Gaty were investigating the frozen sculpture, Golf Ball got up to the big robot she and her team had created. "We're ready!" She turned it on, initiating a symphony of lights and sounds. She moved the joystick to control the robot, making it walk out towards the grassy field. "Familia! Reveal yourselves if you have the guts!" She spoke through a microphone, which transmitted her voice to the outside through some amplifiers installed on the white metal body. "You can't hide for much longer!" She giggled diabolically, perhaps in an attempt to arouse fear in her opponents.

La Familia obliged. The nine rascals were ready to face the giant robot. Despite the sound of the footsteps getting louder, they were not scared; instead, they were smiling, as if they were confident that they would win the battle. "Wait, why aren't you guys scared?" Ruby didn't understand the apparent inaction.

"Oh! Perhaps you didn't know it already, but I found a critical flaw in Golf Ball's contraption!" Blocky smirked as he walked back home to grab a beach chair.

"Wait, what are you talking about?" Flower was just as confused as Ruby.

"The robot has no way to soften the knockback from the guns!" Pen was sitting on the ground, eating popcorn with Taco and Eraser.

"And... what does that mean?" Flower looked at Blocky, who was now sitting on the beach chair he had grabbed a moment ago. She felt like she knew the end result, but wanted confirmation from someone who knew about weapons.

"It'll fall down!" Blocky joined the popcorn-munching party and handed a bucket to Flower. "Now why don't you help yourself with some warm popcorn?"

By the time Golf Ball had reached La Familia's adobe house, she was surprised to see them just sitting there. "Wait, what? Shouldn't you all be running away in fear?"

"Maybe..." Eraser uttered and yawned.

Golf Ball rationalized it all and chuckled. "Well, guess you made it easier for me!" She pressed a red button, activating the guns. "Now watch as your lives come to an end!" The Gatling guns had reached full rotation speed. She pressed the trigger on the joystick. All Golf Ball could hear after pulling the trigger was the soothing sound of the rapid-fire weapons. She propped her feet up on the dashboard and closed her eyes, imagining a triumph. Her daydream came to a sudden halt when she heard a metallic screech. "What the..." Once she got back to the joystick, she began to lose sight of the rival team. She screamed in fear as the robot fell to the ground, shaking her all over the cabin as it touched the ground, all this accompanied by a deafening noise. Golf Ball opened the cabin and got out, enraged. "Why do my plans never work?!" She kicked the metal body of the robot; she then noticed that Tennis Ball was patting her, in an attempt to calm her down.

"Have you considered the recoil for the guns?" Tennis Ball looked at Golf Ball. He sighed, as he knew that it was indeed the cause for the failure.

Golf Ball thought about it, groaning. "Daggone it!" She kicked the metallic panel of the robot further. "I forgot about the recoil!" She turned around to look at La Familia. "This ain't over!" She screamed at them in confidence.

"We're here to prevent deaths!" Tree proclaimed. The rest of his team was standing behind him.

"And Book is here to help us with her spells!" Golf Ball snickered, as she was sure that La Familia stood no chance. "Right, Book?" To her dismay, the only reply she got was deafening silence. "Book? Lollipop?" She turned around as the worry got the best of her. "Where's Bleh?!" She ran towards Lollipop, sweating nervously. "Lollipop! Why aren't you helping us?"

"I never cared about your stupid feud in the first place!" Lollipop replied as she was sipping her cup of coffee.

"But Book promised that you'd join!" Golf Ball didn't understand Lollipop's irreverence.

Lollipop giggled for a short while. "Book's frozen."

It took Golf Ball a good while to understand it, but once she did, she let out a long "oh".

"Our team's alliance with yours only became a thing because she wanted it to happen!" Lollipop kept sipping her warm coffee.

"But you were in there, too!" Golf Ball recalled the event from memory. Her eidetic memory helped her recollect the exact pictures of the talk.

"I was forced to attend!"

Golf Ball was astonished. "...So you aren't actually my ally?"

"I'm afraid that's the truth." Lollipop stirred the coffee inside the hot cup. "And no, we're not on their side, either, Sport Globule." She sipped the beverage. "We're staying out of this. Don't bother."

Golf Ball ran back to where her team was. "Guys! Breaking news! Bleh have withdrawn their support!"

The Organization jeered, calling Bleh names. Golf Ball noticed something strange among the crowd. "Wait! Where's Pie?"

Death P.A.C.T. looked around. Pie must have been there! "Hold on a second..." Tree noticed that Pie was absent. "Oh my..." He sat down and moved back and forth in horror.

"Four!" Black Hole summoned the host, who zipped towards the crowd.

"Yes?" Four was ready to do whatever it was that Black Hole was about to ask them.

"Recover Pie!" Four got ready, and a drumroll was heard as Pie was brought back to life. "Thanks!" Black Hole watched as Four zipped back to wherever they were before being summoned.

Golf Ball, who had spectated the recover, set her sight to La Familia. "Familia! Prepare to meet your..." She was horrified, for she had caught sight of a sentry on La Familia's side. "...demise." She finished her sentence in shock. It wasn't there before! How did it pop up?

All it took for chaos to ensue was a single button press by Blocky. The sentry activated and began to fire snowballs as projectiles. About a minute later, the Organization was covered in snow. "And I used snowballs!" Blocky chuckled.

"Imagine if it shot wooden blocks!" Snowball's comment made the two boys laugh.

"Like, lol!" Match couldn't believe that the opponents would be annihilated by snow.

"Yeah! We totally, like, owned 'em!" Taco cheered.

"You're so right, Taco! We did!" Match grinned. "She deserves it."

"She absolutely did!" Taco smirked.

"I'm so glad Pence Pence and I don't have to deal with her anymore." Match stroked Taco's lettuce, in an attempt to find solace again after having her thoughts intoxicated by those unpleasant flashbacks with Golf Ball.

"You know who else is annoying?" Taco groaned. "Book."

"Really?" Match raised her eyebrows. "I thought she was fine. Nothing exceptional, but fine."

"True, but she can really get to one's nerves with her stubborn determination." Taco lay on the ground, gazing at the blue sky.

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