Ride The Lightning (XXXII)

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(!! This chapter contains the description of someone's death. Reader discretion is advised. !!)

The next morning, Fries woke up and checked if his teammates were all there. Foldy? Check. Bell? Check. Puffball? Check. Yellow Face? Check. The RPS Gang? Check. Eraser and Pen?

...Eraser and Pen? They must be sleeping. Fries opened the door to their room, and looked at the undone bed, on which no one was lying. "Wait, where are Eraser and Pen?" Fries looked around in their bedroom. The two were nowhere to be seen.

"Did they leave?" Foldy, who was also in the room, was thinking of a logical explanation for the disappearance of the two.

"Were they abducted?" Bell's crippling fear of UFOs had reemerged. She started sweating in fear.

"Long as they didn't steal my dirt, I'm fine with it." Marker giggled and shrugged off the event as just an event generated by random chance in life, perhaps suggesting that the best course of action was not to worry about it and go on with the daily life.

Stapy looked at Marker in astonishment, thinking that Marker's comment was the least appropriate statement he could have thought of. "Marker... No." Stapy sighed in frustration. How could someone care so little about two teammates of his going away?

"What? It makes sense to me!" Marker was trying to justify his comment.

Meanwhile, Four had just woken up. The only thing they were thinking about was the delicious pancakes they were about to prepare. They turned on the stove and took out a pan, but a sudden headache had struck them, forcing them to sit down for a while. They felt like their head exploded and their brains were going out of his body; they patted their head to make sure it was all just a crazy, gruesome fantasy. They noticed a lump going out of a crevice between their nubs; after a while, the lump touched the floor and stood up. Four noticed it and looked at it. "Loser!" They were astonished.

"I'm back, Four!" Loser leaned back onto the counter, smirking.

"How did you...?" Four couldn't believe what they had just witnessed.

"I got out using an unprotected door at the back of your personal Hell room!"

Four attempted to suck Loser up again, but Loser opened a drawer and took out a rolling pin, using it to stun Four into the ground. As Loser began to walk away, he could feel something grabbing his ankle.

"Not so fast!" Four had recovered from the stun. They were angrier than they could ever have imagined they would be at any point in their life. Four grabbed Loser and tossed him out of the window, breaking it; they then teleported their way outside, watching as Loser was slithering about like an earthworm. Four quietly chuckled and snapped their fingers, summoning some big gray clouds; it was now the perfect weather for a storm.

Loser looked up to the sky and noticed the sudden change of weather. "Oh, you did it? What are you gonna do? Make me soggy?" Loser shook his head in contempt while quietly exhaling in hilarity.

"Oh. I'll do much worse." Four looked serious and stared straight into Loser's eyes, as if they had signed his death warrant. They put their right hand in the air, and the wind started to blow. Loser wasn't sure about what Four was doing. "You did this to yourself, now you shall suffer the consequences!" As the climax of the weather began, Four attracted a lightning bolt, which made their eyes shine bright.

"That's some impressive magic!" Loser smiled. "What are you gonna do with it? Entertain me as I kick your algebraic butt?"

Four lowered their hand, pointing at Loser. "I'm afraid you switched around the subject and the object."

"That's some vague threat!" Loser laughed. As soon as he opened his eyes, though, his moment of comedy came to a sudden halt, as he saw that Four's arm was surrounded by electricity, and that their hand was emitting a sphere of concentrated lightning energy. "No, wait!" It was at this moment that Loser realized that his life would be up. He tried to apologize for his actions in extremis. "I was just kidding!" Loser got to his knees.

"Well, I wasn't!" The concentrated electricity Four had conserved was released into a horizontal blast, directed towards Loser.

Loser had naught left to do but watch as the blast was about to end his life. He could already feel the excruciating pain from the first electric stimulus. The last thought he had before his brain was irreparably damaged was that perhaps he shouldn't have exploited that vulnerability. A heartrending shriek was all that came out of him for the spectators to hear.

Four went on for a few seconds, then stopped, thinking that this much electricity must have killed Loser. Once they stopped, they could see the severely blackened corpse of Loser falling down on the grass like a ragdoll. The weather calmed down and the clouds dissipated: it was sunny again.

X went out of their house and looked at Four in amazement. "I didn't know you could do that!"

"Oh, trust me..." Four giggled. "I can do more for much less!"

"That's why I love you, Foursie!" X hugged Four.

"That was awesome!" Lightning was amazed by the display of Four's life-terminating power.

"What if he survived?" Leafy thought about a hypothetical retribution Loser could think of.

"I wouldn't count on it. A typical lightning bolt carries a considerable amount of electricity." Lightning shook his head. "So, to clarify, if that strike didn't kill him, he would still have to deal with severe physical damage."

"So, he'd find himself with the intellectual capabilities of a carrot after this one." Snowball looked at Loser's lifeless body. "If he's still alive!"

"So, to clarify, yeah."

"Hey! What have carrots done to you?" Coiny couldn't think of a single good deed done by Loser.

"Wow, Lightning! You're so knowledgeable about this!" Leafy looked at Lightning.

"When it comes to lightnings, you can trust me!" Lightning winked.

Snowball sniffed. "That's weird. Do I smell fried chicken?"

"I don't." Four shrugged. "But I do smell the delicious pancakes I'm about to prepare for myself and X!" They patted X's nubs. "Which is what I was gonna do before that pesky son of a gun interrupted me!"

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