Skyfall (XL)

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A few hours later, Golf Ball got out of her room, craving some salad. Her stomach was growling. Before going to the kitchen, she checked if everyone was there, or still close to the lab. Robot Flower and TV were having a conversation about programming languages, Tennis Ball was outside and Basketball was playing a card game with 8-Ball. So far so good! She went inside Leafy and Grassy's bedroom, only to find it empty. No signs of either in the lab were heard. She sighed. Just one day ago, she would have thrown a temper tantrum and accused the two of being traitors, but that day was different, for she accepted the departure and questioned the ephemeral nature of teams in the competition. She sank into a bean bag chair, closed her eyes and sighed; she just wanted to be at peace with the world for a moment. Her brief meditation was interrupted by her growling stomach, forcing her to go to the kitchen and prepare a Caesar salad.

In the meanwhile, Tennis Ball knocked on Taco's door.

Taco opened the door. "What is it?" She just wanted him to make it snappy, as she looked like she was in the middle of preparing something. "I got twelve mouths to feed." She was holding a ladle.

Tennis Ball looked around and noticed Flower and Eraser cooking something. He sniffed: something spicy was on the menu. "You know, I've been thinking about it, and I've come to the conclusion that this feud is pointless."

"Oh?" Taco was surprised to see her opponent just give up like that.

"For this reason, the Organization is no more." Tennis Ball sighed. It was heavy news to deliver, and he had the ungrateful job of bearing it.

Taco looked at him and shrugged. "Oh okay."

"So you're surrendering?" Snowball stood behind Taco. He wasn't sure how he felt in that moment: he could find solace in the fact that his team won, but he also felt somewhat sad, as kicking Golf Ball's dimpled butt was no longer an option.

Tennis Ball noticed Snowball's mixed expression. "It's the only sensible choice, SB."

Taco looked joined Tennis Ball in looking at Snowball. "It would have been a one-sided fight, Snowie. You wouldn't have had fun."

After Tennis Ball walked back to his partner's lab, Snowball went back to whatever he was doing before the announcement. Taco, on the other hand, decided to stand there, as she had noticed someone walking over to her. She squinted: it was Book. She sighed as she thought of the inevitable nagging that would ensue.

After a while, Taco saw that Book stopped and stood. Much to Taco's surprise, she didn't look angry at all; if anything, she looked like she was going through a quiet bereavement.

"So..." Taco scratched her head. "You want me to get back to your team?"

Book sighed. "No, it's okay." She flailed her droopy arms. "If you want to stay with your friends, who am I to judge?"

"Huh?" Taco couldn't recollect a single time in which Book looked that sorry.

"Tennis Ball told me about his argument with Golf Ball, and told me something I should have taken into account the whole time." Book sighed. "The only way a team can survive is if everyone gets along. If you and Icy left my team, then it means that something's wrong."

Taco scratched her head. A thought pervaded her mind. "Perhaps I should have told you about how I felt about being in your team."

"That would have been nice." Book sat down on the grass. "But I understand your decision. If this means you have to go back to a boring team like mine, I'd rather you stay where you are now." She lay on the grass, staring at the blue sky.

Taco watched as Book gazed at the sky; she felt a wave of sadness hitting her, the first in many days. "Hold on." She muttered as she went back inside. "Guys! Look at Book." Everyone went outside and watched as Book was just lying there. "We need to cheer her up!" Taco couldn't stand looking at that pitiful show Book was putting on.

"But how?" Blocky shrugged. He barely had an idea of who Book was, or what she liked.

"Oh! Oh!" Pen was excited. "How about a gigantic ice cream cake tonight?" Pen's idea had Eraser drooling. "Eraser seems to like it!" Pen nudged his partner.

"We could invite iance over!" Ruby couldn't wait to munch on that sugary goodness.

"Yeah!" Ice Cube liked her plan. "They'll be glad to have Book back in shape!"

Book got up. "Huh?" Thinking that La Familia was mocking her, she went back inside her room and got into her bed.

In the meanwhile, Tennis Ball knocked on Death P.A.C.T.'s door. To his surprise, Pie decided to answer him by opening the window. "Oh, hey, TB."

Tennis Ball waved at Pie. "Just wanted to tell you that the conflict is over."

"Huh?" Pie was surprised. "What an anticlimactic finish." She leaned on the windowsill. "This is the way the world ends / Not with a bang but a whimper." She sighed. "Did anyone die?"

"If that makes you happy, everyone's alive. Except for Loser, but you know..."

Pie smiled. "That's what matters the most."

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