Chapter 1

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Note: the story takes a while to kick off as I think its important to cover her background and this is currently unedited so definetly tell me if theres anything severely wrong. I will try to realise 1+ chapters a week after exams finish so from November 9th onwards I'll do my best for regular updates. Thanks guys :)

"Hey! Get back here!" The military police soldier yelled as I pressed the gas on my 3D Omni-directional mobility (ODM) gear.

I zoomed through the air with the stolen package Kenny told me to retrieve and released my hooks as I rolled onto the roof of one of the dusty buildings of the underground.

"Tch." I made the disgusted sound as my clothes were quickly covered in dirt. Having no time to worry about the matter, I quietly snuck into the shadows and dropped off the building roof I had landed on. I quickly ran across the path around the damp alleyways until I found my way to my house, package in hand.

"You're late, Kira."

"Yeah whatever Kenny, here's your stupid package." I rolled my eyes as I threw the package at him. While he was one of the only ones that had the keys to my house, it didn't mean he had to come in uninvited. He knows I would have delivered it as soon as I was in a clean and presentable state.

"You remind me of the man who used to own this house. Always obsessed with cleanliness." Kenny explained as he saw me eyeing my clothes with disgust.

"That stupid leader of the "golden trio", tch don't talk about him." I state flatly.

"There it is again, the attitude! You remember what happened last time you showed me lip girl." He states flatly.

I cringe at the memory and simply stare in silence. I don't particularly like Kenny, but you see we have an understanding. I am fine with living life the easy way and if it involves taking orders from him, getting money, and having his protection so no one messes with me. As well as the fact that he is amazingly adept at kicking ass and even if I did try to ditch him, he'd probably kill me himself. In saying all this, it had been a few years since the certain incident he was referring to and I am unsure about whether he could still beat me as easily as he used to.

"Also I have another job for you, to be completed by the end of the day."

I snapped my head up in surprise but remained emotionless. "The military police are already onto me. I'm unsure about the success of this if it's completed today."

"Just. Do. It." Kenny, seemingly reaching the end of his emotional tether for the day approached me slowly pulling a knife. "If it isn't done, you're done for you little rat."

Not willing to start a fight in my clean home I simply nodded, "as you wish, Kenny."

After Kenny left, he dropped the package contained what I had to retrieve on the table and stomped out. "I wonder what got him in such a mood today." I contemplated as I sighed at the dirty footprints all over my clean floor.

I decided to clean the house before I even considered reading my next job. I scrubbed the whole house clean, making sure every crevice was spotless. I wasn't too worried about the time as it was around mid-day and made some soup for lunch. I was a bit low on cash and food as I was recently sick and had to fork out a considerable amount, seeing as the people above the underground would usually rather us die than be able to afford good medicine.

After all of my dishes were cleaned and packed away, I moved to the table with my cup of tea and opened the instructions Kenny left.

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