Chapter 11

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Our little trip went by quickly, the rain continued as we went so there was a lot of time spent inside. The pile of paperwork Levi had to do was more official so I could not help him, I instead spent time outside with the horses. I also did a lot of wondering, the area was beautiful.

Soon enough though, it was time to leave the cabin, the weather was not going to hold out for us though. We rode hard through the rain with our hoods up. We reached one of the streams and pulled our reins up.

"Levi, I don't think we should take the horses across the river. It's looking a little flooded."

"Hmm, we can try and take them across and if it gets too fast we can back out." Levi suggested.

I started urging Spirit onwards, slowly going across the river. He was nervous and kept sidestepping as a way to keep balance. But we had to push through, this was the only way across.

"Kira, quick! Back to the shore."

As I looked to him I saw what was happening, upstream there was a giant wall of water heading towards us. I pulled Sprit back I noticed Levi was still in the water. Orion wasn't moving. I quickly jumped off Spirit and into the water, I waded out to where he was and saw Orions' leg was caught under some rocks. We quickly worked at his leg, trying to pull it out. Levi worked on his saddle and quickly pulled it off, throwing it towards the shore. Without the extra weight Orion reared up, pulling his leg out and got to shore. The wall of water was rapidly approaching and the pull of the current slowed our progress to shore.

"Levi!" I shouted at him and he turned back. I grabbed his hand and pulled forward getting in front of him. Realising it would be too late. I used my strength to pull him forward and throw him closer to shore.

His eyes met mine in terror as the wave took me away and swept me downstream. I was quickly thrown underwater, taking a big breath before my head was submerged, I tucked myself into a ball. There was only so much I could do as I was slammed into the rocks. I was underwater for maybe 10 seconds before the main part of the wave was over me. I untucked myself and dug my hands and feet into the river bed. As soon as I had pulled myself to a stop, I quickly pushed up to the surface of the now flooded river. I looked around and heard Levi calling my name.

"Levi! I am over here." I screamed out, trying to get his attention. Soon after I called out I saw him sprinting towards me. I had already made my way to shore by the time he got to me and was breathing heavily.

"Kira!" He lifted me into his arms. "Are you okay?"

I scoffed at him. "As if a tiny bit of water is gonna kill me. I'm more worried about Orion, how is his leg?"

"Fine I think. He didn't look to be limping at all."

"Good, that's good. This could have been far worse."

"We should head back to the cabin. I think." Levi looked at me. "You shouldn't be riding all the way back this wet anyway."

"I agree. We are only 10 minutes from the cabin. We can monitor the water conditions from there and when it goes down we can attempt to recross."

I opened the door to the cabin and stripped my clothes off, heading to the shower where I could wash off and change. As I did this Levi hung our cloaks up and headed into the bathroom with me.

He stripped his clothes and walked into the shower, pulling me towards him. "You are always getting yourself into trouble aren't you?"

"Only because your ass keeps getting into sticky situations."

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