Chapter 6

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We woke early in the morning, mounting our horses at the front of the gate. Spirit was restless beneath me. He could definitely sense my fear and attitude about this whole scouting mission. Levi rode up beside me.

"This is not the time to be worrying about what's ahead, you'll only make everyone around you nervous."

"I know Captain, but I can't shake the feeling that something bad will happen. Don't leave the team today unless you have to, okay?"

"You can't ask that of me cadet."

I just sighed and turned away, he was going to leave us at some point otherwise he would have promised this to us. This didn't help my feeling of helplessness towards the situation.

Erwin then spoke up. "It's time to move out, this, the 57th exterior scouting expedition begins now!"

With his words, the gates opened and we rode out, as soon as we left the gate we spread out into formation. We had a roughly round shape made up of multiple groups, there were the left and right flanks that would be used to spot titans and send flares (red for normal titans, black for abnormals) the using this information, Erwin would shoot a green flare in the direction we were to reroute to.

The ride was going smoothly – with only a few red flares to go on. When all of a sudden black flares started rising from the right side of the formation. We all looked to the side with worry. "What's the use of the formation if they let an abnormal in this far?" Levi said whilst looking at the black smoke.

Suddenly a scout came riding over to us like he had fire coming out of his ass. "Inform the others, an abnormal has infiltrated the right squadron, they have been practically wiped out."

Levi shouted back, "you heard him Petra, inform the others."

"Yes, sir!" As Petra rode off we kept going straight ahead. We saw her riding back as green smoke lit up from Erwin's squad.

As we readjusted our route we noticed we were heading towards a forest of big ass trees. "This is the last thing we need." I stated flatly. "A forest full of big ass trees for titans to hide behind? No thanks. This is a dumb idea. Unless a plan has been made for this?"

Levi was silent, but looked back at me to shut it. I figured this was something he didn't want the others to know so I just nodded at him to let him know I got what he was thinking.

We rode in the trees and suddenly she appeared, a female titan, she was gaining on us quickly and all of the teams below us were being methodically killed like flies against a wall.

Eren was quickly losing it and the team were trying to calm him down, Levi obviously had a plan, otherwise he would be telling us what to do, that's when he spoke up.

"Eren, you must do what your conscience dictates, I get it if you don't trust us but when you choose you must do so and not regret your choice, knowing this which one do you think is best?"

The whole team was speaking to him about how to trust us, we know what we are doing and that's when I decided to put in my two cents on the matter.

"Eren, do you really believe Captain Levi would enter this forest without a plan? Do you really think he would put his whole team in danger just for a whim? If I can trust him, you can too, we joined this team at the same time."

Sitting on his horse he thought about what we all just said. "Make a decision!" Gunther shouted at him.

"I'm with you!" I nodded at Eren, telling him he was making the right decision.

"Cover your ears!" Levi yelled as he raised his signal gun and let out an acoustic round.

We then passed some trees in which I saw a trap set for the female titan, I smirked up at Levi as he saw me notice the trap.

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