Chapter 4

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I woke up to the sun hitting me directly in the eyes. As I blinked rapidly, I remembered the events that led to me being in what looked like the medical bay. Erwin was sitting in the corner of the room and when he noticed me waking up he smiled softly.

"Nice to see you are awake cadet. I hope you're doing okay and I am truly sorry to be pulling you away from healing but the medics think you should be well enough to come to Erens court case. You are a key witness after all."

"I'll be there."

"Good clean up, you'll have to travel there in a carriage with captain Levi, we don't think you should be riding horses yet."

My attitude soured considerably as soon as he said this, "yes sir, I'll see you there soon."

Shortly after he left, I stood up, and brushed though the tangle of a mess I called my hair. I washed my face and managed to get myself looking somewhat presentable for the court case. I slipped on my clean uniform that was left on the end of the bed and stormed out of the medical bay.

Levi was leaning against the carriage and opened the door as I arrived. I got up and into the carriage, ignoring his hand and sat on the far corner of the seat, looking out the window.

As soon as the carriage started moving, he opened his mouth. "So, how do you know Kenny?" As he asked this. He seemed like he was hiding something important.

"You know Captain," I said sarcastically. "Nothing is stopping me from opening this door and riding on the roof for the rest of the way."

"Just answer the question brat." He ground out, not liking my attitude.

"Firstly, I am not a brat. Secondly, how do YOU know Kenny Ackerman?"

"He raised me for a while." He looked surprised as soon as he said it, like he wasn't meant to.

"So that's why he kept comparing me to you." I sighed and gave it up. "He simply gave me jobs on the occasion. Nothing special. He protected me, and I boosted his assets well, until he betrayed me. I believe this is yours by the way." I threw him the knife I used when I was down there. I saw the "golden trios" names carved into the wood and used it for defence, but I always kept it clean.

He sat in shock for a minute, not letting it register on his face. "How did you get this?" He looked up at me and a glimmer of emotion passed his eye, I couldn't quite get what it was, but I knew it was something. "Well brat? Are you going to answer me or not?"

"I was the person that ended up in your house after you left. I didn't really touch anything. Well, except the cleaning supplies. The place was filthy when I got there."

I stared out the window for a while thinking the conversation was over. When the idiot had to go and ruin my whole day.

"Erwin has commanded you join the special operations squad after this."

I didn't respond to him because I just knew he was willing to rile me up and simply scoffed out the window. I didn't want to be in a squad with this fool. Yes, he was skilled. Yes, he was incredibly strong. But he was a cocky asshole who didn't care about anyone except his precious Erwin. A stupid lapdog. At least that is what I had come to understand so far. Everyone from the underground to here kept comparing me to him and I was done with it. But regardless of all that, I couldn't shake the feeling I knew him, he was similar in a way I just wish I could remember.

At the end of my little self-rant, we had arrived at the courthouse. I opened the door and stormed to where I was meant to be with the other cadets. Mikasa and Armin waved me over to a spot next to them. I saw Levi take his place with the scouts next to Erwin and I scowled at him. Turning away, the doors slammed open and I was slightly shocked at the sight of Eren. He had lost all of his motivation and looked slightly defeated and panicked at the same time. I moved forward a little wanting him to see us but Bertholdt took a hold of my hand and pulled me back. I allowed it, somewhat comforted by his presence. I hadn't seen or talked to him in a while. I did feel bad about that. I turned back and gave him a small smile. When I looked back over I locked eyes with Levi and he scowled darkly.

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