Chapter 9

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We used Jean and I to act as Erin and Historia respectively. We were going to use Armin but we decided dying my hair blonde was the best as I had the female anatomy to suit. We would keep the real Historia and Eren in a covered carriage to be followed by the team, just in case they caught on.

Everything started off as expected, Jean and I were taken and tied to chairs. It was fine until the people who took us started feeling me up. I knew I couldn't break my cover so I sat there and let it happen. Tears in my eyes.

"Come on now pretty lady, I want to hear you squeak."

A small sound of discomfort was let out of my throat as he started to put his hands near my skirt.

Mikasa was watching from a window up the top and I saw her zoom off to report to the Captain.


I was on a rooftop, waiting for Mikasas' report. She used her ODM gear to fly to the rooftop next to me.

"We may want to go in soon I don't think we can fool them for much longer. Kira is being... pawed at."

I growled a little at that statement. I wanted to go in and rip out their throats, but there was a bigger plan at play here.

We snuck into the warehouse in which they were being held and I saw what Mikasa meant, the man had his hand up her skirt resting on her thigh and Jean was yelling at him. Mikasa immediately got the men in the back and I went for the one holding Kira, as I released her restraints I helped her from her seat. She was shaky but I don't think she was going to let anyone else see it.


"Thank you Levi." I rubbed my arm and stretched sore from the hard chair.

"Are you alright?" Jean asked coming up to me.

"Fine, don't worry about me, we have bigger things to worry about."

We quickly geared up and went off to supervise Eren and Historias' cart. Levi and I jumped on a roof with Lifa who was in charge of the carts protection.

While we were waiting, Levi spoke up. "Lifa, do you remember stories about a mass murderer called Kenny. Someone who was responsible for the deaths of hundreds of MPs?"

"Of course, but he is an urban legend, everyone knows that."

"What if I told you he wasn't, what if I told you he raised me?" Levi questioned.

She laughed a little at that, "Very funny Captain, I don't see why you are bringing this all up now."

Levi turned to think at this, I saw him visibly concerned and I noticed a shadow coming from the other side of the roof. I shouted Lifas' name in an attempt to warn her but Levi and I could only watch in horror as Kenny shot her in the face. Killing her instantly.

He threw up his coat as I zipped around the corner. Kenny laughed. "Ahh, of course you two lovebirds found each other again."

Levi shouted at Kenny as we both took off, we couldn't fight this, there were too many of them. We focused on retreat, I used my ODM to fly through the buildings, Levi and I split up, I saw Kenny follow him into a bar a hid on a rooftop. I looked around, noticing that there were eight people outside the bar, waiting to shoot Levi if he showed his face.

I slowly snuck up behind the guy on my roof and grabbed his face, quickly digging my knife into his throat. Two of Kennys' men on the adjacent roof noticing his absence came over.

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