Chapter 2

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The harsh sunlight hurt my eyes causing me to blink as I ascended the dirty staircase. I couldn't help but look in wonder at the sky and the birds seemingly free of any bonds of responsibility.

"Ladies first," the commander opened the door to a lavish looking carriage. I stepped up. "We are heading to the cadet corps. You cannot join the scout regiment until you have completed training." He continued. "You may be more than adept at using mobility gear, which, I would like to know how you learnt. But you need to learn tactics and how to kill a titan."

"I learnt by myself. Down there it's fight or die, and as you can tell by my reasoning for joining you – I have no plans on dying." I turned to look out the window as to discourage any more conversation. Being stripped of my gear didn't make me weak, but made me feel a little more vulnerable as I didn't have anywhere else to run.

The carriage pulled to a stop and the door was opened. I ignored the hand that was held out for me and jumped down into the dirt.

"This way." A soldier looked down on me like I was a piece of dirt.

"I will be keeping a close eye on your Kira, impress me." The commander closed the carriage door and took off again.

"You will change into your uniform into your room and then you will report back outside where the carriage was and I will lead you to the cadets." The soldier opened a door which had many beds and belongings in it.

"Great," I sighed as I realised I would be bunking with a group of people. I ran my hand along the bed and realised a layer of dust coated it and sighed again. It was an absolute mess.

Quickly changing and fitting the new straps used for the gear. I slipped on the military boots and left the cloak. I headed back out into the sun and took a deep breath of fresh air.

"CADET." I heard a roar to my right. Looking over I saw a group of people standing in perfect lines, looking at me expectantly.

Running over. I went straight to what I assumed was the trainer. "Cadets, this is going to be one of our newest members, starting today."

I heard gasps and whispers through the crows. "This is Kirraline."

"I prefer Kira." I stated sourly.

"Well, I don't give a rats ass what you prefer maggot. You're all little bugs to me. GO STAND IN LINE."

I walked over beside this boy with black hair and green eyes. "My name is Eren, Kira was it?" He questioned.

I just nodded in confirmation as Keith continued on his spiel.

"Today we will be using the mobility gear to go through a course. We will not be focusing on the titans yet, so I do not expect anyone to be attacking these dummies. This will be a time trial, we have the squad leaders here today observing. So don't disappoint me."

We were lined up and at the blow of a horn we all took off. The air was nice and cool as I used a little bit of gas to wind up into the tree. Quickly plotting a course I swung through the air, bouncing from tree to tree. Before I knew it I was at the end of the course. I had a group of people below me staring and one of them called me down.

"Hello!" A crazed woman with glasses looked at me with pure excitement. "You must be that girl that the commander dragged up from the underground. Akita, no, Kirraline."

At her sentence a short commander with black hair snapped his head up but looked seemingly uninterested.

"Kira." I ground out. "Call me Kira."

"Sure thing! I'm Hange, this is Levi," she nodded her head toward the black haired man, "and this is Mike." The man named Mike leaned over to sniff me, blonde hair touching my shoulder. I was about to turn around and attack him when Hange interrupted "Oh Mike, don't go scaring the new comer! He has an amazing nose. He likes to sniff people.

"She likes to be clean." Mike simply said.

The other cadets started flying in. Finally the black haired man who was called Levi spoke up.

"Those brats are pitiful, they have been doing the same course for a week and this brat who joined today can still beat them."

"What did you just call me?" I seethed.

"A brat. Do you have a problem with that brat?" He turned to me and looked me dead in the eye. Suddenly I connected the dots and realised, he was the leader of the trio from the underground.

"Yes. I do. Kenny says hi by the way." I smirked at his shocked expression and walked off to join the other cadets.

"Woah you did so well!" They all started gushing over me but I stayed silent keeping my face neutral.

I soon was introduced to Reiner, Bertholdt, Annie, Mikasa, Sasha, Jean, Armin and Marco. By Eren who I remembered as the boy that was in line next to me.

"So how'd you get so good at using ODM?" Eren inquired. Everyone but Mikasa and Annie looked at me with wide eyes.

"Practise." I then turned and started heading back to where we were meant to meet up once everyone was done. 

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