Chapter 8

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Soon after a new Levi squad was formed of Eren, Sasha, Jean, Armin, Mikasa, Historia, Connie, Levi and I. We were put into a house where we could hide out and do experiments to try and strengthen Erens titan. Historia told us her story as soon as we arrived at the house. She was definitely part of the Royal Reiss family and we would need to keep her safe, there would be a bounty on her head.

After a long night we all retired. We all had to bunk with someone because there were not enough rooms. Mikasa, Eren and Armin were in one room, Historia and Sasha in another, Connie and Jean together and Levi and I in another room.

Levi and I looked at the room noticing there was only one large bed. All of the other rooms had split beds. I laid out my sleeping bag on the floor and Levi questioned what I was doing.

"I am putting my sleeping bag on the floor, I am okay without the bed, plus. I am sure you would want it this way."

"Don't be ridiculous. There is more than enough room for both of us, as long as you don't get into the bed filthy I won't care."

"You should know by now I would rather die than get in a clean bed dirty."

"Well I'm glad we can agree."

After washing up we both laid down in bed when Levi spoke up. "Kira?" He questioned.

"Mmhmm," I replied, turning to face towards him. "What's up?"

"Do you think we can really do it, defeat all of the titans?"

"I don't know if we will do it in our generation. But I think we have definitely pushed towards it, why do you ask?"

"I just want to live a normal life, I went from a thug to humanities strongest with a special operations squad, to a squad of ragtags, what separates me from Kenny?"

"Everything separates you from him. You are not a monster. You are nothing like him."

To that Levi just stared at me. "I will never forgive myself for what I let him to do you."

"You didn't let it happen, you were just oblivious to what was happening. Please don't do this to yourself. I have forgiven you."

He just looked at me in what seemed to be awe. It was hard to tell with someone who was constantly emotionless. "You are far stronger than I could have ever become."

"Don't be ridiculous. I think the fatigue has gotten to you. Go to sleep Levi."

I heard a small chuckle come from his mouth. "Alright brat. But not because you told me too."

As soon as my eyes closed I was thrown into a flashback.

Levi was standing next to me, we were in a damp corner and there were three men penning us in.

"Stay behind me Kira. Please."

"I can fight too, Levi."

As soon as the words left my mouth the three men attacked. Levi managed to stab one of them in the throat but soon enough the other two had him pinned to the floor.

"That'll teach you to steal from us you little shits." The started kicking him and then the other one advanced on me. "I will rape you little girl, you know what that is? Well its' where I feel only pleasure and you only feel pain."

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