Chapter 5

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I groaned as I woke up, my head pounding. The room was partially dark with only a candle lighting the room. Looking towards the end of my bed I noticed Levi sitting with his head in his hands. His breathing was light and I assumed he was asleep. Not wanting to startle him, I tapped lightly on his shoulder.

"Levi, are you awake?"

"I am now."

"Is Eren okay?" I remembered what happened and cringed slightly about the thought of being thrown through the air and having to be carried all the way back.

"He's fine, feels pretty bad though, he thought he killed you."

I laughed and retorted. "It will take much more than that to kill me. Plus I would rather stab myself in the eye than be killed by a boys transforming arm.

I felt something wet leaking down my head and wiped it only to find blood. Before I could get up to get a cloth, Levi handed me one.

"Thanks." I put the cloth to my head and thought for a second. "Who had the unfortunate task of taking me back here? I wish to thank them."

"No need to, it was me."

"Yes there is a need. Thank you for carrying my dumb ass all the way back here. I was dumb to assume he couldn't transform at all. Sometimes I forget he's not just a kid, he's a titan shifter."

"You were just trying to make him feel better."

I swayed slightly as my vision started blurring. "Levi... I... can't see properly."

"Kira, your head is still bleeding, you've lost too much blood. But you have to stay awake for a while."

My eyelids started drooping and I dropped the cloth I was holding to my head. Levi, noticing this, got up and grabbed the cloth.


Hearing the commotion two doors down, Hange ran into the room. "What's up?"

"She's bleeding again, we need to keep her awake!"

Hange ran up to me, "Kira, please stay awake."

Levi held the cloth to my head and slid behind me, holding me upright while Hange got some medicine. "Kira, please drink this." She held a cup to my mouth.

I drank it and almost immediately threw it back up. As soon as it got to my stomach my eyes closed from the weight of my injured body and I fell asleep. The last thing I heard was Levi and Hange yelling.

When I woke again, light was streaming through the room. I sat up stretching.

"Kira! You're finally awake, we have all been worried sick about you!"

I turned to see Eren right next to my face. "Jesus Eren, space please."

"I am so sorry, I had no idea that my arm would have hurt you."

"It's fine, how long have I been out for?"

"Kira, it's been three days..."

"What?!" I leaped out of bed and ran to my closet getting out a clean uniform. "Eren, please go I need to get changed."

"Wait, maybe you should take it easy you were hurt pretty bad. Knocked your head against a rock. Plus if you get hurt again we will have to be the ones to deal with the Captain."

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