Chapter 12

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I woke early in the morning for a run, thinking back to the time we spent in the cabin. I smiled fondly as I thought about everything that had happened – it was hard to believe it was over a month ago. In the few months that I had come back into his life I has fallen in love with Levi. As I got out of bed though, I started feeling sick. I ran to the toilet to vomit. I sat on the toilet floor thinking about what could have made me sick when I realised I was late for my period. I tried to rationalise with myself that it couldn't be pregnancy, but there was honestly no reason why it wouldn't be as well.

I went to Hanges' office and knocked. "Hey Hange, it's just Kira, can I come in."

She opened the door and looked at me. "Kira, are you okay? You look kinda pale?"

"I don't know, that's what I have come here to find out. Look, I need you to keep this completely under wraps if it is true. But I want to do a pregnancy test."

She looked at me shocked, but with a big smile on her face. "Oh my, sure! I won't tell a soul." She paused for a bit before coming to a realisation. "Wait you had sex with Levi?!"

"No Hange, I just looked at him in the eyes and fell pregnant. But I would like you to keep that a secret too please."

She just nodded and handed me the test, "use a bit of blood, it is blue for positive, red for negative." As she said this there was a knock on the door. I hid the test and she opened the door to reveal Levi.

He strolled into the room and looked at me questioningly. But decided to let it slide and instead told Hange, "Commander Erwin wants to see the both of us."

I stood up, "I better go, thanks for all your help Hange."

As I left, I heard Levi questioning my presence, but Hange just said I had questions about the new thunder spears we had and how to use them for the upcoming expedition.

I retreated to my room and pricked my finger. As the blood swelled up on my finger I put the test stick on it and waited. After about three minutes, I took a deep breath and looked at it. Blue. I was pregnant, with Levis child...

I sat on my bed thoughts running through my head. I knew there were ways to get rid of children but I felt like I should wait, tell Levi and we could decide together. That would be the only fair way of doing this. It was his child too. I then shook my head thinking of the upcoming expedition. I would tell him after. If we made it back alive – because who knows what could happen. I would much rather have the stability of knowledge than having to leave it to the unknown.

The night before we were meant to leave on the mission to seal the wall, there was a giant dinner thrown to celebrate our success so far. Meat was even provided! Being such a rarity among the scouts, everyone was excited.

I walked to the dining hall with Levi squad. Levi had not yet arrived yet so we all assumed he would be with the superiors. As soon as Sasha saw the meat, she grabbed the whole log and tried to shove it in her mouth. Connie was trying to restrain her but it was no use. She was like a wild animal. Crazed eyes mouth drooling. I came behind her and put her in a choke hold. She was quickly asleep and we tied her to a pole so she could enjoy watching us eat meat.

Soon enough, Eren and Jean were having a fight. We all watched on, amused and Mikasa sat with me, laughing at the sight. After a while of beating eachother, Levi appeared. None of us saw him come in but smirked as we realised what was to come.

"I thought you were all told to behave." As he said this he kicked Eren across the room and punched Jean, sending him flying. As he did this, Jean puked on the floor and Levi looked at it, disgusted. "Clean this up."

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