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Beings chosen by the Traveller and resurrected from the dead with its Light by the Ghosts. Brought back to fight the Darkness, its ancient enemy

Throughout the years these Ghosts would find a Guardian, and bring them into the battle of Light and Dark

But they did not come back powerless. The Light gave them abilities so powerful it gave them the fighting chance against the Darkness. But the battle still raged on as the Traveller slept, each side fighting, and it seemed like it would never end

That is, until one Ghost, found you

You woke up confused at first, but Ghost filled you in. He helped you survive, and slowly, you became one of the Light's greatest assets

I'm gonna keep this brief

Over the years you accomplished many glorious triumphs

You saved the Traveller

Killed a God

Defeated the Kell of Kells...then killed him

Killed the father of the God you killed who was also a God

Stopped SIVA

Lost your light then got it back and defeated the evil space turtle that wanted to become a God

Saved Osiris and stopped the Vex on Mercury from creating a dark future

Saved Mars by killing another God in the form of a giant worm

Avenged the death of Cayde-6

You've also earned some titles as well

The Traveller's Chosen one, Hivebane, Slayer of Crota, Slayer of Oryx, Iron Lord, Hero of the Red War, Hero of the Infinite, Savior of Rasputin, Dredgen, Curse breaker, and last but not least

Student of Cayde-6 himself

Ok maybe that one isn't an official title, but you get the point

Point is, you've done a lot, been through a lot, but you don't let that get to you. You keep on going. While the death of your mentor and...friend, still affects you, you don't let it stop you from doing what you do best


You keep on fighting even when the odds aren't on your favor. You keep fighting even when everything seems impossible and you sure as hell don't stop until the Light within you goes out

The story of a Hero sometimes isn't a long one. But who said this was about a Hero?

No, this is about a Legend

Oh, you may be wondering "Who's narrating?" Well all you need to know is that I've got one magnificent horn

But enough about me, this Legend is about you, and it's far from over

So Eyes Up

Eyes Up (Male Guardian Reader)Where stories live. Discover now