Chapter 8

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Lily's POV:
That was a close one. Tom can't find out about me and Jay. I need Tom. Jay won't actually be in a relationship with me.

He says he cares about Daisy too much but if he did why would he be cheating on her with me? I mean I can't blame him, I am better then her.

Tom is my only hope of having a relationship and if I don't have a relationship, I will be irrelevant. If I'm irrelevant then I'm not popular and then I will get abandoned. That can't happen.

"Who was that?" Jay asks
"Tom" I say while rolling my eyes
"Oh." He says rolling back over

I wish we could be together. I really like Jay. I've never liked anyone other then Jay.

I wish he could get over Daisy and be with me...

y/n's POV:
It's 3 o'clock and I'm walking down the stairs to go meet Tom at the park. Once I reach the bottom of the staircase I see David. Seriously he's still here?

"Y/n. Hi" he says I couldn't tell if he was nervous or scared.
"Hi." I say in monotone
"Where are you heading out to?" He asks
"Nowhere." I say while taking a few more steps before he stops me
"Wait! I really like your mum and I'm trying to make this work. Could you like cooperate with me please?" David asks
"Whatever" I say while rolling my eyes and rushing out the door.

At the park...
While walking on the footpath I see Tom waving at me.

"Hey!" He greets me

"Hey" I say sounding less excited

"What's wrong" he asks concerned

"Nothing." I say in monotone

"Y/n. Tell me." he says

"My mum is dating this guy named David." I say sounding miserable

"What happened to your dad?" he asks

"He left my sister and I when I was 6, he moved to London and started a new family." I say sadly

"Oh. I'm sorry." He apologies

"It's fine. It doesn't bother me" I say

"Why are you bothered by your mum dating David?" Tom asks

"I don't know. I guess I'm scared to lose her?" I finally admit to myself

"You won't lose her, trust me." He says while hugging me

"Thanks Tom." I say

"It's fine. Anytime ok. Whenever you need to talk text me and we will meet up here" He says

I nod and smile at how supportive he is.

*hope you enjoyed!*

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