Y/n has lives next to Tom her whole life, but he's never noticed the sweet and innocent girl living next door. Will she try and get him to notice her or will she let him get away?
It was Saturday morning, I woke up to the smell of waffles, my favourite breakfast. I quickly get out of bed and rush downstairs.
Once I reach the bottom of the stairs I notice that mum isn't making breakfast, David is?
"What are you doing here?" I ask angrily
"Your mum isn't feeling well so I came over to make you guys breakfast." He says innocently
I stay silent. Maybe he isn't that bad after all... no what am I thinking this is his way to suck up to us and make us like him then he's just going to leave us, just like my dad did. We can't trust him.
"Whatever." I say while grabbing a plate of waffles
He smiles at me.
I take the plate up to my room and crawl back into the covers because it was freezing. I grab my phone from my bedside table and check Instagram, Snapchat and Tiktok.
Until I get a text from Tom.
Tom: Hey can we meet at the park in 20 mins?
y/n: Yeah, Of course
I quickly finish my breakfast so I have time to have a quick shower before I go.
After the shower...
I get out of the shower and wear this...
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I rush down the stairs to hurry and meet Tom , it's been 18 mins since he texted me so he should be there.
"Where are you going?" David asks curiously
"Out." I say quickly still making my way to the front door
"Uhh... I don't think so. I'm in charge of you and I can't lose you, your mother would kill me" he says with a slight chuckle
"So... your not my dad"I say while shutting the door behind me. I was already running late, i didn't need my wannabe dad pesterting me.
Tom's POV:
I need to talk to y/n so bad. I found out some horrible news. I Need to talk to someone.
I see her walking through the entrance and get a flood of butterflies in my stomach. I have to admit she is really pretty.
"Hey. Sorry I'm late, it was bloody David!" I yell in frustration
I smile at her comment. She is really funny too...
"What's wrong? why did you need to talk?" y/n asks concerned
"I found out that Lily was cheating on me with Jay" I say while looking down.
I feel a warm tear run down my cheek. I don't know why I'm so sad, I should be happy. Ever since I laid my eyes on y/n, I wanted to be with her... but I can't because she doesn't feel the same...
"I'm so sorry Tom" she says while hugging me.
I embrace this moment for this might be the last hug I get from her for what I'm about to do next...
y/n's POV:
I hug Tom. He really is sad about this I need to tell him that I already knew, I hope this goes well...
"Tom, I already knew about this... I'm so sorry I didn't tell you earlier" I say still hugging him.
He breaks the hug up and instead of yelling at me or questioning what I just said he leans in and kisses me.
The kiss was amazing. Tom's soft lips were attached to mine, his soft plum lips collided with mine gently and sweetly. He was an amazing kisser. The kiss sadly had to end.
We break apart and smile at each other.
"Did you not hear what I just said?" I question
"I did. You already knew about it. I don't care." He says with a chuckle
"Why?" I ask confused
"Because, all I wanted to do was this..."
Our lips collide again. It was just as good as the first one.
*hope you enjoyed, this chapter is a bit longer than usual*