Chapter 13

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y/n's POV:
I feel like I've been in my room for hours. I need to see Tom. I decide to FaceTime him.

He answers on the second ring.

"Hey" He says
"Hey" I reply
"Are you grounded too?" He asks
"Yeah" I reply
"Listen. I'm sorry for dragging you into this" I apologise
"No, don't apologise. I wanted to come. I wanted to be there for you" He says. I get butterflies.
I blush.
"Y/n!" Mum yells
"Yeah!" I yell back
"I need to talk to you" she says while I hear footsteps outside my door
"I got to go" I say
"Bye" He says
"Bye" I sat before hanging up

"What's up?" I ask as my mum sits on the side of my bed.
"Your not allowed to see Tom any more" she says
"WHAT!" I yell
"He's a bad influence!" Mum yells back
"Tom did nothing. I told him to come with me!" I yell again
"Then your a bad influence on him. His parents and I have spoken and we think it's in your best interest" she says more calm
"Best interest?" I question
"Yes y/n and that's final. Now give me your phone" she demands while holding her hand out

I give her my phone.
"I'm keeping this until I block Tom and make sure you have no contact with him" she says
I don't say anything. I just stare at her.

"Any questions?" She asks
"No." I say in monotone
"Ok" she says while standing up
"Your just jealous of what Tom and I have. You will never get our relationship so your keeping us apart. That's sad for a 45 year old." I say before she leaves
She turns around.

"Your 15. I would shut my mouth, if I were you" she threatens
"Is that a threat?" I ask with attitude
She glares at me and slams the door.

I collapses on my bed in frustration. What am I going to do now....

*hope you enjoyed!*

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