Chapter 20

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y/n's POV:
I sit down at a table and go on my phone, since I have nothing else to do. I scroll through tiktok until I feel a tap on my shoulder.

I turn around to see Tom.

"Hey" he greets me
"Hey" I respond
"I'm sorry for choosing Lily over you. But I never really chose her over you. Ever since the night of Jay's party I have fallen for you y/n. I've fallen for you and I can't stop. I love you
y/n. I love how your eyes sparkle in the sunlight, I love her you blush every time I approached you, I love how you love me for me and not just my looks and I love how you have made me a better person when I'm with you. I'm in love with the girl next door." I say

"Uhhhh...." she doesn't know what to say
I turn around thinking she's given up on us.

I exit the door and see that it's raining. I feel my eyes start to water. Until I hear a voice yell my name.

"TOM!" It yells
I turn around and see y/n running up to me and before I could say anything her lips collide with mine.

I pick her up and spin her.

We eventually pull apart and we both have a huge grin on our faces. We both are soaking wet from the rain.

"I love you too" She says
I don't say anything but kiss her again.

This girl has my heart and she always will.

*hope you enjoyed this book. Thank you for all the support. Also u should follow me on tiktok bc why not😂 @chelsea.olivia4 😂😂*

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