Chapter 16

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y/n's POV:

I wake up to the sun beaming on my face. It's the first day back at school. I don't want to go back, but I do want to see Tom.

I chose to wear this...

I back my bag and walk out the door ignoring my mum and David

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I back my bag and walk out the door ignoring my mum and David.

At school...

Tom's POV:
As I walk through the doors of the school I see Lily in the hallway opening up her locker. I wish I was with y/n right now, but... I need to get my life back together.

"Hey" I approach her

"Hey" she replies with kissing me
"How was your holidays" She asks
"Interesting" I reply while thinking of what I did with y/n. I really miss her. I wonder if she misses me?

"Tom?" Lily clicks her fingers in my face to snap me back into reality.
"Yeah. Sorry" I apologise
"Don't worry" she sighs
"Ok" I say while walking her to class

After school...

y/n's POV:
Surprisingly I didn't see Tom the whole day? I wonder if he had the day off? Probably.

I sit on my window seat and check social media, since I haven't since my mum took my phone off me.

She's says as long as I don't contact Tom I can have my phone back. I agreed but of course I'm going to contact her. She doesn't have to know...

I see in the corner of my eye Tom walking into his room. I glance over to get his attention then realise he's not alone...

I see Lily entering the room then kissing him. My heart drops. I feel tears rolling down my cheeks slowly. I feel like I'm suffocating. I feel like I'm drowning and nobody can save me.

Someone please save me...

*hope you enjoyed! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Hopefully some more chapters will be up soon tonight or today for u... I guess😂 idk?*

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