Chapter 15

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y/n's POV:
"Y/N!" Mum yells
I roll my eyes and turn to look at her.
I don't say anything. I start to walk back to my house with her. I not even going to bother wasting my breath on her.
I smile at Tom before I go.

While we're walking back, Mum is giving me a big lecture but I zone out. All I can think about is Tom. How are we going to meet up or contact each other. We do go back to school in 2 days. Maybe we could talk during school? What's going to happen during school? Are we still going to talk?

I walk up to my room and collapse on my bed worried about school. I'm so confused?

Tom's POV:
My parents drag me to sit on the couch in the living room to lecture me about seeing y/n again.

"Tom. Please listen" they say
I turn to face them. This is the only time I will hear them out.

"Y/n is trouble." Mum says
"You don't even know her!" I yell
"Do you know why you didn't know she was our neighbour" dad steps in
"No." I say interested
"Her Dad was hitting y/n's mum in front of her. Her dad was an alcoholic. Her mum struggled but I didn't let you hang around y/n because she's trouble like I said" she says
"Y/n. Hasn't come from a nice family. She won't do well in life and we both think you hanging around her will ruin your reputation. Someone like Lily is more suitable for you." Dad says

"Tom. If you talk to her or speak to her one more time you will no longer live in this house, understand" they say firmly

As much as I hate them right now. I know they're right. I need to let her go. It's for the best. I need to fix things with Lily and get my old life back.

Starting with Lily.

Tom: Hey x I'm sorry for everything let's get back together x

*hope you enjoyed!*

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