Chapter 11

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y/n's POV:
"I need to go see my dad" I tell him hoping he will come
"Ok. I'm coming with you" He says with a smile
I smile back and kiss him.

On the train...
"Are you sure you are ready to see him?" Tom questions me
"I need to..." I say
"Ok. I'm supporting you no matter what" he says squeezing my hand

I'm so lucky to have him in my life...

At the front of y/n's dads house...
"Are you sur-
"I'm sure." I say
"Ok" Tom says while putting up Gus hands in defence

I knock on the door. I get a rush of nerves. Am I ready to do this?

I knew it was too late once the door swings open.

"Hello?" The man asks
"Hi! Umm... are you Fred?"
"Yes?" He asks confused
"I'm y/n l/n. I'm your daughter. " I say

A few seconds go by...

"Y/n." He recognises you.
"Hi dad" I say with watery eyes
He hugs you.

"Come in..." He says welcoming you into his mansion

Tom and I walk through the long hallway and smell a roast cooking from the kitchen.

"It smells good in here" I say taking in my surroundings
"Karen's cooking up a storm in the kitchen" He says with a chuckle
"Karen?" I question
"Karen's my wife" he says with a smile
"I have 3 kids, well 4 including you" He says

"What are their names?" I ask
"Mitchell is 6, Daisy is 14 and Bobby is 17" he says pointing at the pictures on the wall.

He invites us into his office.

"Look y/n. How much money does your mother need?" He asks
"What do you mean?" I ask confused
"I told your mother to not interfere with my future and now she's involving you" he says gesturing at me.
"I came here to meet my dad" I say offended
"That's what they all say" he says with a chuckle grabbing out his check book
"Look y/n. Please just stay out of my life and tell your mother that too" He says while handing you a check.

I stand up and rip up the check and throw it everywhere and leave. How could he. I just wanted to have a relationship with my dad.

I run out the door. Tom chases after me and hugs me from behind. I start to cry into his chest. I have nobody but Tom right now.

*hope you enjoyed!*

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