Costumes AU

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Keith: LANCE!!

Lance: Yeah Keith!

Keith's Pov: I enter the living room knowing Lance would probably laugh at me

Lance: *Laughs* What are you wearing?

Keith: Pidge said we needed to wear couples halloween costumes since we're together

Lance: Keith, this is our third Halloween together and we've never dressed as couples before and when did you start listening to Pidge?

Keith: I'm not just listening to Pidge, I think it'd be fun to dress up together

Lance: Okay, what did you have in mind that's not... That

Keith: It was Pidge's idea okay

Lance: *Laughs* How about we go as eggs and bacon

Keith: That's not any better than the peanut butter and jelly idea

Lance: Hmmm...What if we do something sexy *Winks*

Keith: Lance!

Lance: Why don't we call Pidge and see if she has any ideas

Keith: Okay *Calls Pidge*

Pidge: Hello

Keith: Hey Pidge

Pidge: What's up?

Keith: Lance and I need help picking out our Halloween costume

Pidge: So he didn't like the peanut butter and jelly idea?

Lance: it's not that, I think Keith is a very cute piece of jellied bread but I just think that we could come up with something a bit more creative

Pidge: Yeah or you could just go as an angel and a devil, it's clish clashy and sexy, everything you guys are wanting

Lance: That's actually a pretty good idea Pidge, thank you

Pidge: Anytime

Lance: *Ends call* I call being the devil!

Keith: Of course you do...

Lance: Well obviously, devils are sexy

Keith: Are you implying I'm not sexy?

Lance: No! Your way sexier than the devil but I just act more like the devil, I'm more confident and I'm not afraid to be sexy in public

Keith: More like your overly confident and cocky

Lance: You love that about me!

Keith: Sure

Lance: You do

Keith: Maybe just a little bit

Lance: Told you so

Keith: Stop being so cocky!

Lance: Make me~!

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