Reflection AU

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Lance's Pov: I was at the Scenic Drive with my mom when I saw this mirror, I knew I had to have it when I saw it, so I asked her to buy it along, we stayed a bit longer before heading home, when we got home I was tired and it was getting kinda late so I decided to lay down for the night, my mom walked me to my bedroom and kissed me goodnight before heading to my other siblings rooms, I snuggled up with my blanket, I finally began to fall asleep when all of a sudden there was this knocking noise, I thought it came from the window at first but then it happened again and I realized it was coming from the mirror, I got up to see a boy on the other side of it, he was sitting criss cross applesauce with a deck of Uno cards in his lap I was a little scared at first but after a few minutes I tried to break the mirror so that the boy could get out but it didn't work, he patted the ground so I sat down in front of the mirror, he grabbed seven cards from the deck and threw them out of the mirror, he grabbed seven for himself and then slid the deck of cards just outside of the mirror, I looked at him and he smiled so I smiled back "So were playing Uno, right?" I ask

Keith: Yeah

Lance: My names Lance, what's yours?

Keith: I'm Keith!

Lance's Pov: It went on like that for years, I told him everything, he was the first person to know about all my problems and secrets, he was the first person I ever told that I was bisexual, he told me he was gay the following year, I told him about all the cute people at my school and we would play Uno a couple times a week, today is my birthday, I enter my room trying to figure out what to wear

Keith: Happy birthday Lance!

Lance: Thanks Keith, I'm gonna bring you a cupcake later!

Keith: That's so sweet Lance, I have something for you!

Lance: Really?

Keith: Yeah *Pats the floor*

Lance: *Sits* What is it?

Keith: Put you face against the mirror

Lance: Why?

Keith: Just do it and close your eyes, no peeking!

Lance: Okay, okay, I won't peek! *Presses his face against the mirror*

Keith: *Kisses him*

Lance's Pov: I feel a pressure on my lips very suddenly, I fall back onto my floor from a sudden weight that fell on my body, I open my eyes to see Keith kissing me, he is laying on top of me, I kiss back before pulling away and looking him in the eyes, "Keith, your not in the mirror anymore!"

Keith: Oh my god! Lance!! Oh my god... I just kissed you *Embarrassed*

Lance: It's okay Keith, it was nice!

Keith: Really?!

Lance: Yeah, let's do it again *Pulls him in*

Keith: *Kisses back* *Pulls away* *Giggles and rolls eyes* You may have even enjoyed it more than I did

Lance: Uh huh *Kisses him again*

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