Wendigo AU

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Background Pov: Most Wendigos don't take a liking to people but Keith was different, he had been watching Lance for around two years now, he knew how sad he was, he had been heartbroken since his girlfriend left him over a year ago, Keith watched as Lance cried himself to sleep every night and how he all the energy he used to have was now gone, it broke Keith's heart to see him like that and one night he had finally had enough

Keith's Pov: I stood outside Lance's window, I took a deep breath and then threw the rock, it hit his window and a moment later I could see his light flip on, my heart started racing, I saw him peer down from his second story room and watched as he slid his window open

Lance: Hi

Keith: Hey, can you come down here?

Lance: Uh, yeah I guess

Keith: Okay, I'll just be here

(A few minutes later)

Lance: Did you need something

Keith: Just to talk to you

Lance: About?...

Keith: *Puts his hand on Lance's shoulder* She's not worth it...

Lance: What?

Keith: Allura, she doesn't deserve you

Lance: You don't think I don't know that! She treated me like crap and I still love her!

Keith: Lance...

Lance: *Starts to cry* Sh-She is a horrible person... She broke me *Sobs* S-She hurt me s-so bad!

Keith: *Hugs him* I know Lance... It's gonna be okay, I'm here now

Lance: I-I have a question... Is your name Keith?

Keith: H-How did you know that?

Lance: I went to the fortune tellers today and she told me that I would meet someone deserving of me very soon, his name would be Keith and it would be at a time when I most need it...

Keith: O-Oh! Heh... I don't know if I deserve you but I'm here if you ever need me...

Lance: I think I'll always need you Keith... *Starts to shiver*

Keith: Are you cold?

Lance: J-Just a little, I'll be fine

Keith: *Takes his hood off and starts to take the hoodie off*

Lance: Y-You have horns?

Keith: Y-Yeah, I'm a Wendigo

Lance: Don't they usually kill people?

Keith: Yeah, I've never killed anyone though...

Lance: Aren't wendigos not supposed to look like... This?

Keith: Huh? Oh! Wendigos are a lot different than people portray them to be, does me being a Wendigo change anything?

Lance: Absolutely not! I-I Still love you...

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