Chapter 3 - The Dance Captain Diary

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Diary Entry From Emily:
Dear Diary,
I know this is supposed to be for dance related things only but I want to write this down, express how I feel. There's this new girl... her name's Michelle. She's really pretty and... I don't know. I'm kind of nervous when I'm around her. I'm not intimidated by her or anything. Nobody intimidates me. I'm feeling things though. The same way I did with Hunter. It's a good feeling... you know? Whenever she speaks... I get butterflies. Whoever's reading this now, it's probably fine. I'll be away from the studio and Michelle will never have to find out. I think I like her. Like like her. She probably likes Eldon or someone though. I'm only 16. I don't know what I want yet. We'll just have to wait and see what happens. I just have to get her out of my mind. Dance should be my main priority. I can't understand why it isn't. Emily.

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