Chapter 18 - Teamwork

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Emily's POV:
It's been 2 weeks since Michelle kissed me. We had been sharing the same bed but nothing's happened... obviously.
I think Michelle's finally learning to move on from Stephanie. Not with anyone in particular. She's just coming to terms that Stephanie wasn't coming back. My heart broke for her. I know how it feels... knowing your love will never come back to you.
I sigh looking at the time. Michelle turns around and leans over my shoulder to see the clock as it's on my side of the bed.
"6.30?" She says, tiredly.
"Yup. Time to go get the studio ready for the dancers." I say, sitting up.
"I wish it was still Sunday. I hate Mondays." She says, flopping back down, her head hitting the pillow.
"Me too... but it's gotta be done." I say.
"5 more minutes?" She asks with a petted lip.
"You're such a child!" I say, laughing at her.
She gives me puppy dog eyes.
"Alright just because I have a crush on you doesn't mean I give in to-" I find myself getting lost in her eyes. "Alright I'll go for a shower and when I come back you have to get up!" I say.
Emily Talking Head:
Dang it! Curse her gorgeous face and cute eyes.
Emily's POV:
"Works every time!" Michelle says laughing, closing her eyes and getting cosy again.
I go for my shower and when I come out I go back into our room.
I shake Michelle gently and she turns around, her eyes puffy. It's obvious she was crying.
"What's wrong?" I ask her.
"I just wanna be loved." She says, her voice breaking.
"Hey... it's alright. You'll find someone okay?" I hug her.
"I-i'm sorry... I'm being silly." She says to me.
"No you're not. It's perfectly natural." I say, rubbing her back.
She wipes her eyes. "Thank you Emily... really." She replies with a smile.
"No problem hun." I say.
She stands up. "I'm gonna get a shower and get changed." She says.
"Alright. We leave in 3o minutes!" I reply as she walks out the room.
I get ready and so does she.
We leave the house and drive to work.
The dancers arrive around 20 minutes after us.
"Alright dancers today-" I begin.
"Today we're going to be decorating for Christmas!" Michelle interrupts me.
All the dancers cheer.
"Michelle, it's December 1st." I say through gritted teeth.
"Exactly!" She says.
I hated Christmas. Ever since 7 years ago. I had imagined me and Michelle getting each other gifts and decorating the tree... and then she dumped me. Even though that was 6 months before Christmas I was still really heartbroken. I spent that whole Christmas in my room, crying.
"Alright... whatever." I say, shrugging.
The dancers begin to spread out, going to the old supply closet to grab the decorations.
"Wanna help me with the tree?" Michelle asks me.
I smiled. "Yeah... why not."
We grab the tree. It was a big tree. Taller than both me and Michelle combined.
We decorate the bottom half first.
I grab the ladders and set them up, telling Michelle to hold them while I put the ornaments on.
After I put the star on I say to Michelle "All done!"
She lets go of the ladder and punches the air. "Teamwork!" She shouts.
"Yeah... teamw-" I didn't get to finish because the ladders begin to topple.
I fall through the air, terrified.
Michelle tries to catch me but we both fall to the ground, me on top of her, our faces basically touching.

Michelle's POV:
I was beginning to think there was a moment there until Emily started screaming in pain.
She rolls onto the ground, holding her arm.
I sit up, quickly.
"Em! What's wrong!?" I ask her, panicking.
"My a-arm. I think it's b-broken." She says, fighting her tears.
The dancers come running in.
"Reuben! Help me take Emily to the car!" I shout.
He comes running over and helps me pull Emily to her feet. We take Emily to the car.
"Alright ummm... I'll call someone to take care of you guys. Don't go home. We'll be back soon!" I say as I shut the car door.
I speed to the hospital, trying to calm Emily down.
I take her to A&E and wait outside until she'd been seen to.
After around 20 minutes she comes back out.
"So?" I ask her.
"It's just a sprain. It's not broken. I've to come back in a week to see if it's better. But for now..." She shows me the bandage. "I have to wear this and it's itchy as heck. So... good luck dealing with my complaining." She laughs.
I hug her. "I'm sorry."
"It wasn't your fault! I shouldn't have been so stupid." She replies.
"Thank god you're okay." I say, still hugging her.
"You're being very dramatic, aren't you?" She says.
I let her go. "Yeah... sorry. Let's go back to the studio. I called Amanda to take care of the kids. That's the only number I knew. Well... only because she's a real estate agent and her number was online... did you know that?" I say.
"Yes! I know. And she's married to Noah too." Emily says.
"Wait... really? They... stayed together?" I was shocked.
"Yup... they've been going strong since West's sleepover." She says.
I suddenly felt nostalgic. That sleepover changed my life.
"Anyway uh... let's go." I say.
I drive her back to the studio.
When we arrive we see Amanda helping the dancers decorate the studio.
When she sees us she runs and gives us a huge hug.
"So it's true then? You're actually back." She says to me.
"Yeah!" I say, smiling.
"Why did you come back? Did you finally realise Emily is the love of your life." She asks.
"Umm... not exactly but-" I say.
"It doesn't matter." Emily interrupts. "Thanks for watching the dancers Amanda."
"Anytime. Love you guys. I'll see you soon, yeah?" She says.
We both nod and she leaves after giving us another hug.
What did she mean? Finally realise Emily is the love of my life?
"Let's decorate our office." Emily says.
I nod and grab a box of decorations.
I take out 2 Santa hats. One was red and one was pink. What a coincidence!
I out the red one on Emily's head and the pink on mine.
"How crazy is it that out of everything there is there was our signature colours?" I say to Emily.
"Yeah... fate." She says, looking down.

Emily Talking Head:
Listen... I bought those the Christmas after Michelle broke up with me, hoping she would come back and celebrate Christmas... but she didn't do they got thrown in the Studio decorations box.

Michelle's POV:
"Wanna take a selfie in them?" I ask her.
"Sure." Emily says.
I take my phone and we both pose for a picture.
"Awesome. We can get this printed, put it in a frame and put it on our desk!" I say.
"Sounds great." Emily replies with a smile.
I play Christmas music and we dance around the office while decorating.
After a while I stop.
I look at Emily, still dancing and singing along to the music and smile.
She was just... so happy... so pure. So... beautiful.
She turns around and I realise my stare was lingering longer than it should have.
"What?" Emily says, giggling.
"Nothing." I say, looking down, a little bashful.
She looks around the office.
"I'd say we're done." I say.
"Yeah... teamwork!" She replies.
"Teamwork." I smile, pulling her in for a hug, kissing her cheek in a friendly way.

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