Chapter 17 - Open Up To Me... Please

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Michelle's POV:
Emily hadn't come to the studio since Monday. It was now Friday. I knew she was safe because she would send the dancers texts to tell them she wouldn't be in and I would be taking the classes. I miss not seeing her everyday. It's only been 2 and a half months since we saw each other again, but in that short time I had gotten so used to being around her and I was getting so comfortable with her. She had been so nice to me. Since I came back she's slept on her couch and let me have her bed. Even when I offer to take the couch she insists she's sleeping there. When she told me she still had a crush on me I was a little shocked but I wasn't bothered by it. I didn't mind her having a crush on me but I don't want to hurt her feelings because I still have strong feelings for Stephanie. As I was alone I was getting annoyed because I didn't want to do it by myself so the dancers were getting annoyed too. I didn't want to upset them. Not when they were preparing for Regionals. So I pulled Reuben, the dance captain, aside to ask if I was really upsetting the team.
"Well... yeah but we all know something's up so... what is it?" He says.
"It's Emily. I don't know where she is. And I can't do this by myself." I say.
"You're doing a great job! Anyway... have you tried looking for her?" He asks.
"Well no... I don't have a clue where she would go." I reply.
"Is there anywhere that means something to her? I go to my sentimental place when I'm upset. Can't tell you where that is though otherwise I'd have to find a new spot." He says.
An idea suddenly pops into my head.
"Ummm... I've got to go. Thank you Reuben." I say.
"No problem." I hear him say back as I leave the room.
I turn around quickly as I had forgotten the dancers were there. "Guys just take the rest of the day off!" I say. "Reuben can lock up." I add on, throwing him the keys.
I get in my car and drive to the location.
Before long I find myself where Emily and I had our first date. And sure enough... Emily was there.
She was sitting on the edge of the cliff, admiring the view, just like we did all those years ago.
I tap her shoulder, startling her.
"Hey." I say, sitting beside her.
"Oh... h-hey." She replies.
"Where have you been?" I ask her.
"I've been around." She says, facing me but quickly turning back to the city.
"Why did you run off like that? You scared me. I knew you were fine but I needed you home." I say.
"Why? You're perfectly capable of living yourself... or did Stephanie do everything for you?" She says, bitterly, but not meaning it to be.
My heart drops when I hear her name. I missed her. Not as much as I used to. But I still do. It had only been a few months.
"Well... no. But-" I begin, but I can't find what to say next.
"I'm sorry." She says. "I didn't mean it."
"It's fine. But you still didn't answer my question." I say.
"What was your question again?" She asks.
"Why did you run off." I answer her.
"Oh... ummm... embarrassment? I didn't mean to say I had a crush on you. It was an accident. I mean... I meant what I said but I didn't mean to say it in that very moment... and- and- Stephanie. You still really like her. And- I don't know- I don't wanna... you know... mess you guys up b-because I'm sure you guys were a really great couple and I'm just-"
I stopped her from talking by pressing my lips against hers.
After a moment we both pulled away.
"I'm sorry. Was I talking too much?" Emily asks as I laugh.
"A little bit but I'm sorry. I didn't mean to... do that." I say, awkwardly.
Michelle Talking Head:
I don't really know why I kissed Emily. It might've been to make her stop talking. Or it might have just been a sympathy kiss... but I don't know.
Michelle's POV:
"Emily... I don't mind you having a crush on me. I'm just... not over Stephanie." I say.
"I know... that's what I was kind of saying before you cut me off." She says.
"Sorry." I say.
"It's fine. I didn't mind... obviously." She chuckles.
"So do you need a ride home or are you just planning on staying out here for the rest of the night?" I say, standing up.
She stands up too.
"No no... I'm coming." She says.
We go to my car and drive home.
Once we arrive we go in, sit on the couch and turn on the TV.
"Will you be at the studio tomorrow then?" I ask her.
"Obviously. Seeing as you 'can't manage without me' anymore." She laughs.
I laugh too. It was good seeing her laugh. I'm glad she's still happy. I don't know what I'd do if she was sad. I care about her too much.
We sat and watched TV until we were really sleepy.
I got up and started walking to the bedroom before stopping and looking around my shoulder to Emily.
She was getting ready to lie down in the couch.
"Hey Em?" I say.
"Yeah, everything alright Michelle?" She replies.
"Would you maybe wanna... share the bed tonight? You know... we're both adults. I trust you." I say, shrugging my shoulders out of nervousness.
She smiles and it lights up the room.
"I'd love to." She says as she stands up and walks towards me, giving me a quick hug before going into the bedroom.
"No funny business now!" I joke.
"You're the one that kissed me Michelle!" She replies laughing as we both fall asleep.

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