Chapter 21 - Christmas

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Emily's POV:
I lay in bed, my eyes closed, enjoying the silence.
"EMILY IT'S CHRISTMAS!" Michelle exclaims.
"Yes, I know babe. But we're not kids, can we please go back to sleep?" I ask her.
"No! Presents! Presents! Presents!"  She screams at the top of her lungs, jumping up and down on the bed.
The bed bangs against the wall. Gosh! What will the neighbours think?
"Alright! Alright! Just... stop moving the bed!" I laugh as I sit up, rubbing my eyes.
"Merry Christmas!" Michelle says, leaning over my shoulder to kiss my cheek.
I turn my head around a bit so she's in my peripheral vision. "Merry Christmas."
"Can we open presents now please?" Michelle pleads with me.
"Fine! Let's go." I say as she takes my hands and pulls me up from the bed.
She drags me into the lounge and gies straight to the presents.
"Were you always this excited for Christmas?" I ask her.
"No." She replies. "But it's my first Christmas with you, so that's why I'm excited."
She picks up a present and brings it over to me.
"So... I don't have a lot of money, as you know, so this is all I could get you." She smiles and hands me it.
I tear the wrapping paper carefully. It was a box.
I open it up and inside is a necklace with the letter 'M' on it.
"It stands for Michelle... so people know that I'm yours." She says, blushing a little bit.
I chuckle a bit.
"It's lovely but..." I head over to the tree and pick up a present I got for Michelle.
She quickly rips the paper open.
"A necklace..." She says. "With an 'E' on it."
"I thought I had an original idea!" I say, unable to hold in my laughter.
"Great minds think alike." Michelle replies, pulling me in for a hug. "Thank you. I love you Em."
"I love you too Michelle."
We open all our other presents from our friends and family.
Both Michelle and I got presents from all the old A-Troupers. Amanda must've told them she was back in town.
"Isn't it weird?"
"Huh?" I ask, as I didn't think to process her question.
"Isn't it weird?" She repeats.
"Isn't what weird?" I ask.
"You know... remember... the sleepover? Everyone who shared a room is now together." She says.
I try and count them in my head but I can't remember who was with who.
Michelle realises and tells me.
"James and Riley, West and Daniel, Hunter and Eldon, Noah and Amanda, Giselle and Thalia... and me and you."
I take a minute to think it through before letting out a shocked gasp-laugh.
"We really did stay united I guess." Michelle says.
We sit there, enjoying each other's company for a few minutes before I remember something.
"Oh! I'll be right back." I stand up and Michelle falls sideways on the sofa as she was leaning on me.
I go into the chest of drawers in our bedroom and grab her gift.
I take it into her and she sits up.
"Uh-I'm sorry I didn't have time to wrap it... I only found it again last night." I say.
I pull it out from behind my back and give it to her.
"What is it?" She asks.
"It's uh... it's the Dance Captain Diary. The best kept secret of The Next Step. Each dance captain has it and... we were co-captains but I never gave it to you... I don't remember why though."
She smiles as she looks through it.
"Dear Diary, I know this is supposed to be for dance related things only but I want to write this down, express how I feel. There's this new girl... her name's Michelle. She's really pr-"
"Alright stop! Now I remember why I didn't give you it." My face turns red.
"She's really prett-" Michelle begins reading again.
"Stop!" I playfully yell at her, "I was like 16, that's so embarrassing. Don't read it!"

Michelle Talking Head:
Emily wouldn't let me read it in front of her so...
"Dear Diary, I know this is supposed to be for dance related things only but I want to write this down, express how I feel. There's this new girl... her name's Michelle. She's really pretty and... I don't know. I'm kind of nervous when I'm around her. I'm not intimidated by her or anything. Nobody intimidates me. I'm feeling things though. The same way I did with Hunter. It's a good feeling... you know? Whenever she speaks... I get butterflies. Whoever's reading this now, it's probably fine. I'll be away from the studio and Michelle will never have to find out. I think I like her. Like like her. She probably likes Eldon or someone though. I'm only 16. I don't know what I want yet. We'll just have to wait and see what happens. I just have to get her out of my mind. Dance should be my main priority. I can't understand why it isn't. Emily."
There's more too! But I think if Emily found out I read more she would kick me out of the apartment!

Emily's POV:
I blush at Michelle reading the diary.
She laughs at my embarrassment.
"So what are we doing tonight?" Michelle asks me.
"Ummm... don't get mad but I kind of... said to my mom we would go to hers for Christmas dinner." I say.
"You did that?" She asks.
"Yeah... your family is in Madison and I didn't want you to be alone on Christmas day." I tell her, taking her hands.
She smiles and stands up, pulling me in for a hug. "What did I do to deserve you?"
"Nothing. I was just stupid enough to fall for you." I say, jokingly.
Michelle laughs before taking my face in her palms and kissing me gently.
"Alright let's go for a shower. We both stink!" I say.
"Well I enjoy your stink." Michelle says, pulling me in for another kiss.
"Weirdo." I say as I push her away.
"Just one more kiss? Since it's Christmas..." She pleads with me.
"Alright! Just one." I say, kissing her once more.
She pulls me onto the couch and hugs me.
"Go for a shower babe!" I laugh.
"Alright 'mom'. Whatever you say." Michelle jokes, standing up and heading into the bathroom.
I clean up the wrapping paper Michelle threw on the floor while opening her gifts.
She was messy, but I loved her for it. I don't know why because I hate mess. I just can't find anything bad to say about her.
After we both shower we head to my moms house.
She welcomes me with open arms before doing the same with Michelle.
"Go through ladies, James and Riley are already in the lounge." My mom says to us, stepping away from the door to let us past.
We go into the lounge and I am greeted by Riley running up to me and giving me a hug.
"I haven't seen you in forever!" She says to me.
"Merry Christmas to you too!" I reply.
"Merry Christmas Em." James says, hugging me.
"Hey Michelle." They both say.
"We heard you two were back together... it only took 6 years!" Riley says.
"Riley!" My mom says.
"Sorry mom, but it's true." She replies.
"Yeah Mrs Beaton..." Michelle says. "It took me too long to realise. That's on me." She laughs.
"Well we're glad to welcome you to the family!" My mom says, hugging Michelle again.
We sit down for Christmas dinner and chat. We really were a family. It was just so natural.
After we ate my mom brought out our presents.
Riley and I got bracelets. James got a discount on shawarmas for a whole year.
Lastly was Michelle's.
"I'm sorry this was sort of a last minute gift Michelle, I didn't know you were coming until last week. I thought back to when you guys were young and Emily used to talk about how you introduced her to her favourite band so..." My mom gives her the gift and Michelle opens it.
It was The 1975 records.
Michelle smiles and hugs my mom. "Thank you Mrs Beaton. You really didn't have to."
"Of course I did! You're like my daughter and James, my son." My mom replies.
"So how long have you and Emily been back together?" She adds on.
"Uhh... the beginning of December. That's when I said I loved your daughter and then we got back together." Michelle says, putting a hand on my thigh under the table.
"Anyway uh... we gotta go mom. Studio Head things... thank you for dinner though." I say.
"Yeah thank you Mrs B. A pleasure to see you as always." Michelle says.
"I'll see you girls later." My mom says, hugging us both.
We leave and drive home.
As we enter the apartment Michelle kisses me.
"Thank you for taking me to your mom's house. It meant a lot." She says to me.
"It's no problem." I reply.
"I love you." She says.
I smile. "I love you too."

I look at her body and bite my lip.
She whispers in my ear. "Wanna take this to the bedroom?"
I nod and kiss her as she picks me up and takes me into the bedroom.
She places me on the bed and gets on top of me.
I take off her top and she lets me kiss her body.
"Have you ever..." Michelle asks.
I shake my head. "Have you?"
"No." Michelle replies. "Do you still want to? Because I do."
I nod, removing my top and unclipping her bra.

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