Chapter 22 - For This Is The End?

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Michelle's POV:
I woke up with Emily laying on my chest.
I really wanted coffee before we went to the studio.
I secretly think it's ridiculous that Emily is making the kids come in the day after Christmas... but don't tell her I said that.
I gently lift her off of me, trying not to wake her.
I go into the living room and put on one of the vinyls Emily's mom got me for Christmas.
I jam out to it while making my coffee.
As I pour out my freshly made drink Emily walks into the room rubbing her eyes.
"Hey! Girl trying to sleep here!" She says, walking over to me.
"Sorry." I say.
"It's all good." She replies, kissing my lips.
"Would you like one?" I ask her, pointing to the coffee.
"Yes please." She says, wrapping her arms around me from the back.
I pour her a cup and we go to the couch.
I put my elbow on the back of the couch and lean on my hand, admiring Emily.
She obviously noticed me staring and called me out on it.
"Take a picture! It'll last longer!" She laughs.
I quickly jump up and go grab my phone.
"Good idea." I say, snapping a picture of her.
"You're truly something else Michelle Baldesarra." She replies.
I smile, blushing a bit.
"Emily... thank you." I say.
"For what?" She asks, confused.
"For saving me. I mean... when I came back here after the way we left things years ago... I didn't know if anybody would help me. I mean... anybody else would tell me to leave. But you... you're different. You have a heart of gold. And you helped me when I most needed it. I know I've said this before but I truly am so thankful for you. Emily... I love you... and I want to spend the rest of my life with you-" I say.
"Woah woah woah." Emily interrupts. "We're way too young for that."
I laugh and push her hair behind her ear. "I know. Don't worry!"
"Oh... oops?" She says in embarrassment as I continue to laugh.
I lean in and kiss her softly.
Looking into her eyes, I smile.
She smiles back and whispers. "You have coffee breath."
"So do you!" I say, hitting her with a pillow.
Before long we were in a full on pillow fight.
I loved seeing this side of Emily.
After I won the pillow fight Emily got a little grumpy so I told her she won just to make her feel better. You know how competitive she is.
"Alright let's get to the studio." I say standing up.
Emily grabs my arm. "Wait... before we do."
I sit back down, concerned.
"I was talking to Miss Kate, she's selling the studio. I want to buy it... and I want you to do it with me." She says.
I look at her. "Of course I do Em." I hug her.
"I mean... it isn't happening right away but within these next few months we could own The Next Step!" She says.
I smile and hug her again.
"Alright let's go." She says to me.
"Just a second." I pull out my phone again. "I gotta text someone."
"Who?" She asks.
"Just all the old A-Troupe members. Thank them fir getting us gifts for Christmas." I say.
She nods. "We leave in 20. Get ready quickly!"
I give her the thumbs up and send the text.
After we're both ready we head to the studio.
I take her hand as we walk into the studio.
As we get to the office I get a phone call.
I check my phone and it's quite clear the colour had drained from my face.
"What's wrong?" Emily asks.
"I gotta take this." I say, running outside.
I answer the call and put the phone to my ear.
"Stephanie! You almost got me caught! I was just with Emily and I had to run outside." I say.
"Sorry babe." She says from the other side of the phone. "I got your message. I told you this would work."
"I gotta admit... you're a genius." I say to her.
"I knew it wouldn't be long before she was in deep again. That girl has serious issues letting go." She says.
"Yeah..." I say.
"And you're sure she has no idea what's going on?" She asks.
"She definitely doesn't have a clue. Soon enough we can get our dream and I can dump her... again." I say.
Stephanie laughs on the other side of the call. "Alright. I'll see you soon babe. I love you!"
"I love you too." I hang up.
Just as I do that Emily comes out.
"Are you okay babe?" She asks.
"Oh I'm okay Emily." I say, smiling. "Actually... I'm more than okay."

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