Chapter 5 - The Sleepover

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Emily's POV:
West's house was huge! I knew his parents were successful but I didn't realise how successful.
"Okay, there are 7 bedrooms, one of which is my parents. So really we only have 6. Partner up." West says.
Riley looks around at me and glares. She still wasn't speaking to me. Neither was anyone.
"Well I'm certainly not going with Emily." She said. The others just laughed. Except Michelle and West.
James breaks the laughter, takes Riley by the hand and kneels down on one knee.
"Riley, will you do me the honour of sharing a room with me?"
Emily Talking Head:
Ummmm... I don't want to see this. She's my baby sister.
Emily's POV:
Eldon and Hunter partner up.
So do Noah and Amanda.
And West and Daniel.
Followed by Giselle and Thalia.
It was only me and Michelle left.
She shrugs and says "Roommates?"
I nod.
Emily Talking Head:
Spending the night in a room alone with Michelle... great.

Michelle Talking Head:
Spending the night in a room alone with Emily... great.
Michelle's POV:
After we ordered in and ate some food we all started to lay down one by one feeling both equally sick and bored.
Daniel breaks the silence. "Okay how about a game of truth or dare?"
That sounded awesome.
"I'm in." I say.
Everyone nods in agreement.
West goes first. "Okay Giselle... truth or dare?"
Giselle chooses dare.
"I dare you to do a handstand for 20 seconds."
She does it with ease.
Giselle continues the game.
"Hunter... truth or dare?"
"Do you still have feelings for Emily?"

Emily Talking Head:

Michelle's POV:
I feel so bad for Emily.
"Okay Noah..." Hunter says. "Truth or dare?"
"Who do you like most on A-Troupe?"
"That's easy... Amanda."
Everyone cheers playfully and blows kiss faces at Noah and Amanda.
Amanda and Noah both blush.
"Okay Michelle... truth or dare."
My palms start to sweat. I don't want anyone to ask me that question so I go for the obvious choice.
"I dare you to kiss the guy you like most on A-Troupe."
I look around for a moment. My eyes land on Emily.
I quickly turn away. Noah said the guy.
"I'm only doing this because he bought us pizza."
I walk over to West and kiss him quickly.
Everyone laughs.
Emily looks at me for a few seconds before saying "Michelle ask someone."
Oh yeah... we're playing a game.
"I dare you to put that slice of pizza on your head until the end of the game."
I point to the greasiest slice I could see.
"Do I get to eat it afterwards?"
"Ummm... sureee?"
He's so weird.
He puts it in his head and immediately takes it back off.
"Never mind, I forfeit. West where's your shower bro? I gotta wash my hair."
West gives him the directions.
James quickly dares Thalia to say the alphabet backwards before running off to the shower.
Thalia fails miserably.
"Okay... Riley. Truth or dare?"

Emily's POV:
"Would you even class Emily as your sister anymore?"
"To be honest... no."
My eyes begin to tear up but I quickly wipe them, refusing to show weakness.

Michelle's POV:
After hearing Riley's answer, I'm infuriated.
Emily is so hurt so I step in.
"Riley how dare you!? She's your sister and-"
"Michelle..." Emily interrupts me. "It's okay." She mouths.
I nod.
"Anyway..." Riley says. "Eldon! Truth or dare?"
"Do 40 pirouettes."
He does around 34 before falling to the ground laughing.
"Daniel... truth or dare?"
"Who out of the guys would you be most likely to date."
"Definitely West."
West looks at Daniel. "Thanks bro! I appreciate that. You hear that guys? I'm the best."
Everyone laughs at West. He's always so silly.
"Amanda... truth or dare?"
"Definitely truth. I'm not doing 50 pirouettes or putting pizza in my hair."
"Do you like Noah back?"
Amanda looks around for a second before muttering a quick yes.
Everyone goes "ooooh", teasing them.
Noah puts his arm round Amanda.
They're really cute. I wish I could do that.
"Emily truth or dare?"
"What's your biggest secret."
She looks around for a moment.
"Well I wasn't ready to come out just yet but I'm bisexual."
I look at her, smiling proudly.
"Wait really?" Riley asks.
"Yeah I... dated a girl for a few months before Hunter... I didn't want to tell anyone because... I don't know."
"Anyway, West truth or dare?"
"Since you've been an excellent party host, I'll give you something easy. I dare you to ask any one of the girlsanother truth or dare question."
"Alright then... Emily. Truth or dare?"

Emily Talking Head:
That was dumb of me.
Emily's POV:
"Do you like any of the girls on A-Troupe."
I look around, glancing at Michelle a few times.
"Uh... no. N-none of them are my type."
"Alright." West says, satisfied with my lie.
James comes back with his hair dry. How did he dry it so quick?
"I think we should all go to bed now." Thalia says.
"Hold up..." James says. "What'd I miss?"
"Not much." Giselle says.
"Yeah only that Noah and Amanda like each other." Michelle says.
"And Emily's bisexual." Eldon says.
"Apparently she dated a girl before me." Hunter adds.
I look down. I really didn't want anyone to know just yet.
"Okay... a lot of new information to process." James says, nodding.
He looks at me and sticks his thumb up. "I'm proud of you." He mouths.
I smile at him before standing up and going upstairs.
I overhear Eldon speaking to Michelle. "So uh... how do you feel knowing you're sharing a bed with someone who likes girls? Isn't that weird?"****(See bottom)
"Why should it be weird? That's not the way it works Eldon." I hear Michelle arguing with him.
"I just thought-"
"Well you thought wrong then didn't you?" Michelle interrupts.
I hear her walking towards the stairwell so I run to the room we chose earlier.
I jump onto the bed quickly before she walks in.
"Hey." She says opening the door.
"Are you using the bathroom first or am I?" She asks.
"You can."
She nods and takes her bag into the bathroom, getting ready for bed.
I lay on the bed on my phone, looking through my gallery.
I scroll up and find lots of old pictures of me and Alyssa, my ex.
I delete all the photos, which were now only distant memories.
Michelle comes out of the bathroom in her pyjamas.
She looks really cute.
I find myself staring for a solid 8 or 9 seconds before quickly standing up and running into the bathroom.
I look through my bag and find my sleepwear.
Oh no. No no no. Please no.
I packed my "kung fu panda" top and cupcake short shorts.
The worst thing is... they aren't even a set.
I put on my shorts and pull out my dance cropped vest top.
I hide kung fu panda at the bottom of my bag, brush my teeth and come back out.
I lay in bed beside Michelle, both of us silent.
"You didn't need to do that earlier you know..." Michelle says. "Come out I mean."
"Well I had to tell the truth."
"I'm proud of you for that. It's a hard thing to do."
"Well I just can't believe you kissed West."
Michelle laughs lightly. "I didn't really have a choice."
"And plus Noah just said guy. Not person..."
Michelle turns to face me and I, her.
"I-I didn't mean you were-"
"It's fine." Michelle cuts me off.
"Don't apologise honey." Michelle says smiling, pushing my hair back out my face.
"Anyway..." she continues, "Who says I didn't wanna kiss a girl?"
"I guess so." I reply.
"So did you wanna kiss a girl?" I ask her.
She nods and whispers "Yes."
"What about you? Did you lie when you said you didn't like any girl on A-Troupe." She asks me.
"Well who?" She asks.
"Well who did you wanna kiss?"
"Tell me first." She says.
"You tell me first!" I giggle.
"Say it together on 3?" She says.
I nod.
"1, 2, 3." She says.
"You." We both say at the same time.
We both smiles at each other.
Our faces move closer to each others.
"W-why would you wanna kiss me?" I ask her.
"I'm damaged, wrong, broken. I'm... me." I reply stuttering.
"Emily... how could I not want to kiss you?" She says confused.
"You're the most beautiful girl in the world. I'm crazy about you! How could you not realise that in the past few weeks. I hate when you talk bad about yourself. You don't see that strong, stunning, incredible woman that I see and that really hurts me. You deserve the world Em." She continues.
Our lips are practically touching.
"You deserve that and more. I like you Emily. A lot."
She moves in closer and kisses me gently. I kiss her back after a moment of shock.
Her lips were soft. I had butterflies.
Emily Talking Head:
It was the best kiss I've ever had.
Emily's POV:
Our kiss lasted for around 14 seconds.
After it was over Michelle kissed my head.
"Get some rest Em." She whispers.
I nod and place my head against her chest, cuddling her.
She holds me tight.

Michelle's POV:
Emily was really cold, so I held her all night.
I made sure she had all the duvet too.
I didn't mind the cold. As long as she was warm... I was fine.
This was the perfect way to start off something great.
This was the beginning of our relationship... right?

****This actually happened to a friend of mine. This by no means is written to offend anyone. It is simply for the purpose of the story and by no means to I agree with what Eldon says. Never judge anyone or make assumptions. Love everyone and especially love yourself❤️

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