Chapter 8 - Hide Those Feelings, Okay?

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Emily's POV:
Michelle drove me to dance this morning. I was nervous, so I was awkward. I kept rubbing my hands, putting them up to my head, biting my nails. I didn't know what to do.
Michelle obviously noticed as she grabbed my hand and put it in hers. She proceeded to drive the car with mine and her hand on the gear stick.
When we got to the studio I kissed Michelle gently. She pushed me away.
"James is over there." She says.
I look out and see James and Riley getting out of James' car.
I wave through the window but they just ignore me.
"They still don't like you?" Michelle asks.
I shake my head, disappointingly.
Michelle rubs my thigh. "It'll be fine."
Weakly, I smile at her.
She looks around, making sure James and Riley had walked into the studio before kissing me softly.
She caresses my cheek before getting out the car. I quickly follow her into the studio.
We put our stuff away and join the rest of A-Troupe.
As Dance Captain it was my job to do line placements.
I had put myself at the back, knowing that's what had to happen if we wanted to win Regionals. Michelle was in the front. Obviously.
After we rehearsed a few times I called a break.
I pulled Michelle to the side to ask her something. Something random.
"Do uh- do you wanna be Dance Captain with me?" I ask her.
"I just think we'd make a great team."
"Okay uhh... sure?" Michelle agrees, still confused.
"So..." Michelle continues, "When are you gonna try and be friends with everyone again?"
"I'll get there eventually." I say.
"Why don't you start right now." She asks me.
I nod. "Okay I will... but first I wanna make an announcement."
I stand up and get everyone's attention.
"So everyone... Michelle and I are-"
"Dating?" Noah shouts out.
Amanda slaps him on the arm and mouths "don't be so rude" to him. Noah apologises to her and faces the ground, embarrassed his girlfriend called him out.
"Uh... n-no." I say. "Michelle and I are co-captains."
Everyone cheers for Michelle and start to congratulate her one by one.

Michelle's POV:
As everyone congratulates me I can't help but look at Emily. I really thought she was gonna let slip that we were dating.
I'm glad she didn't. But now she looked sad. She sat on the bench with her head in her hands. I had to speak to her. In private.
I go to my cubby and get 25 dollars out my purse and give it to Miss Kate.
"Take everyone down to the juice bar and buy them drinks on me. I'll be down soon." I say.
Miss Kate nods and ushers everyone out.
I sit down beside Emily and out an arm around her.
"Baby?" I say to her.
She refused to let me see her face. I knew she was crying.
A muffled "What?" escaped her mouth.
"What's wrong?"
She quickly wiped her eyes and turned to face me.
Her eyes were already blue but this blue was different. It was beautiful, but sad.
I pushed her hair behind her ear. "You can tell me."
"I was just so embarrassed when Noah shouted that out. A-and I felt bad for you." She replies.
"Why would you feel bad for me?"
"Because w-what if I had told everyone. And y-you... you're not ready to come out... and everyone w-would judge you for liking someone l-like me."
My heart shattered. It took everything I had not to cry.
"Well... nobody judged Hunter for dating you."
"H-how did you know about that? And anyway that was different... I'm not the same person I was back then."
"Riley told me. And you're right. You're not the same person. You're even better now and I am so lucky to have you Emily okay? You are incredible."
Emily kisses me.
I place a hand in her cheek and smile at her, looking into her eyes.
Just as I do that, A-Troupe walk back in.
I hadn't noticed until Emily informed me.
"You better be careful Michelle..." she says. "You wouldn't want anyone to know we're dating, right?"
I smile at her, noticing my hand still on her cheek.
I knew it was there... but I didn't wanna move it.
Emily grabs it and puts it down by my side.
"Hide those feelings, okay?" She says to me.
I slap her arm playfully before standing up.
"Alright guys back to work." I say, looking back at Emily.
She smiles before also standing up before returning to her line position.
I just wanted to kiss her. Desperately.
Why couldn't I control myself?

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