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Yoongi watches through his blurry thoughts as Dr. Jang gives her presentation. The words he hears are fragmented, and he doesn't process anything legible projected on to the wall. "Fraction... sick... fit..." He picks up on a few words, but non of them really register in his head.

Stress, anxiety, and confusion make his body tense until he abruptly stands up, not being able to handle it anymore. He rushes out of the room and finds his way back to an elevator. In, out, in out. He tries to calm his breathing as he ascends the floors in such a small space. He then finds himself falling down on to his knees, feeling more and more suffocated by the truth of his mark. His thoughts don't let him notice the open doors of the elevator until a very calming touch appears on his arm. He looks up into a pair of dark, concerned eyes, and he suddenly feels more aware than before.

A feeling never felt before in his body takes over his senses, the previous stress forgotten. It's almost like a push, like something that is there but isn't, something that he has to put there even though it has been residing there for all of his life. He watches as the eyes before him adopt a soft glow, not as intense as it could be, but almost as if they're preparing to shine light on the way home.

Yoongi begins to take in the features of the face in front of him, finally recognizing the person: Seokjin.

His feelings of stress and anxiety start to return, fighting against this new sensation filling his body, telling him to get away, that he can't be accepted. He's pulled up on to his feet, being carefully held by Seokjin.

Yoongi is vaguely aware of his feet moving underneath him, the battle inside him taking up his senses. He only comes back slightly when he feels himself being pushed on to a soft surface and into a sitting position.

The calming touch makes its way to Yoongi's face, and then, Yoongi is looking back into Seokjin's eyes. "Yoongi-yah," Seokjin's voice comes out in a soft whisper. Yoongi presses his eyes together and takes a sharp breath before returning his gaze to Seokjin. "You're okay. I'm here." Seokjin's thumb rubs across Yoongi's skin in a comforting rhythm.

Instead of his stress, Yoongi now only feels the push in his body. "You're- you're my match," Yoongi says. Seokjin nods.

"You're mark," Seokjin whispers, holding Yoongi's wrist to his. "You're body has fully adjusted to it." Yoongi nods. "I- I can feel it." Seokjin looks back up at Yoongi.

"Me too," Yoongi gulps. He knows what it is; they learn about it in the match class they have to take for two years in high school: the bonding call. Yoongi sees the guilt in Seokjin's eyes. He knows that Seokjin was probably wishing that he would be able to bond with Namjoon first, but both Yoongi and Seokjin know that if you refuse a bonding call, you're body begins to refuse you. It's a very dangerous thing. Yoongi watches the struggle on Seokjin's face. He doesn't want to hurt Namjoon. "We can't refuse it," Yoongi says in a lowered voice. Seokjin nods.

They press their foreheads together and breathe. Yoongi feels Seokjin's hand rest on his before they both completely and totally give in to the push in their body.

Yoongi feels like he's nowhere and everywhere at the same time. He can feel Seokjin, his presence, his mind. It's like he's in Seokjin's soul. Yoongi reaches for something he feels is right in front of him and grasps on to it. A feeling of calmness, satisfaction, content overtakes him. He feels the Oxygen fill his lungs or is feeling the Oxygen fill Seokjin's lungs. Then, he realizes he and Seokjin are in sync, their breaths filling them and leaving them at the same time.

This one moment feels like a matter of seconds, but when their minds finally separate and they feel aware once again, it's been three hours.

Yoongi now feels a tie to Seokjin, like a part of his body that can feel what Seokjin is feeling. Yoongi feels his own curiosity, but also a curiosity that doesn't feel right to claim as his. He meets Seokjin's eyes and feels an immense surge of love, but it isn't his. Seokjin loves me? Yoongi thought he would be hated, thought of as a place holder until Namjoon receives his mark, but instead he feels real, unfeigned love.

A tear slips from his eye, and Seokjin's hand comes up to wipe it away before Yoongi is brought into an embrace. "I will never hate you," Seokjin whispers, and the verbal confirmation is what brings Yoongi over the edge as he sobs and sobs. Seokjin's comforting touch lets Yoongi know that it's okay to cry and that he should calm down at his own pace.

When Yoongi does calm down, Seokjin gives him a sweet smile. They walk out of the room they were previously in and down a hallway until they reach a door that leads to outside. Seokjin calls a taxi and they make their way to a restaurant. "I thought we should eat some food before we tackle the whole multiple matches situation with Hoseok-ah and Namjoon-ah," Seokjin mumbles through a mouth full of food.

Yoongi stops chewing his own food when he feels a slight burn run throughout his body. Seokjin stops chewing too, the new link between them clearly working. "I forgot about that." Seokjin swallows his food. "You'll feel that burn every time someone mentions one of your unmarked match's not full name." Seokjin takes a napkin and wipes some food residue off his face. "It'll only go away if you have a name fit with that specific match, and/or when they get their mark" Yoongi almost feels the stress bubble up back inside him, but Seokjin takes Yoongi's hand in his. "Hey, there's no need to be worried. You have me, and the other two aren't going to abandon you either."

Yoongi takes a deep breath and nods. "You're right. It's just scary s' all." Yoongi mumbles. A hum a reassurance runs through him. It'll be okay. Yoongi takes a deep breath. It'll be okay.


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Love you guys super duper much!

- AC

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