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*I don't usually ask you guys to do this, but I think the song 'Hug Me' fits the tone of this chapter really well, so if you would like to listen to the original or V's cover, please do!*

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It's been three days since Jimin asked Taehyung to say his name. Jimin hasn't mentioned it, and Taehyung hasn't either, but it's been on Jimin's mind every minute of every hour.

He can't seem to forget about it for a second even when he is happy in Taehyung's arms and the younger is pressing a flurry of kisses to his face. "Tae," Jimin giggles as Taehyung's lips come into contact with the skin of his face once again.

"Hm?" Taehyung hums in a question. "Can you not handle all of my love?" Taehyung teases, his bright, happy, sparkling eyes shining as he looks at the man in his arms, making Jimin laugh.

Jimin pretends to think on Taehyung's question for a few seconds before answering: "I think I can handle a little more."

Taehyung just laughs before softly pressing a kiss to Jimin's forehead then his nose, then both of his cheeks, and finally his lips. Before Taehyung Can pull away, Jimin wraps his arms up around the back of Taehyung's neck, keeping the younger's mouth on his. Butterflies flutter around his stomach when he feels Taehyung smile into the kiss.

Before anything more than happy kisses can happen, a knock sounds at their door. "That must be the food," Taehyung mumbles against Jimin's lips, the older already pushing Taehyung off him so that their dinner can be retrieved.

As soon as Taehyung lays out all of the food they ordered, both Jimin and the younger dig in. "I didn't ask you to order this much!" Jimin laughs, seeing how much they have leftover.

"I ordered for today and tomorrow," Taehyung reasons. "You see, I actually think ahead," he says, tapping the side of his head with a light smile.

Jimin nods, humming. "Sure," he says, sounding a little sarcastic.

"Oh? You don't believe me?" Taehyung asks, catching Jimin's tone.

"Of course, I believe you, Tae," Jimin laughs before standing up and beginning to pack up all the leftovers into different containers.

After everything has been put away and Jimin finds himself and Taehyung in the younger's room, Jimin feels the question he's been wanting to ask rise in his throat again.

"Tae?" Jimin says, looking at the younger's face as he turns toward him.


"Have you thought about what I said on Saturday?" Jimin asks, looking for an answer in Taehyung's face who only nods.

"I've thought about it, and I want to- I want to say my name, but I don't know if I can, Jiminie," Taehyung admits, shying away from Jimin's gaze.

"It's okay, Tae," Jimin tells the younger, reaching out and taking Taehyung's hand in his. "We can wait." Taehyung meets Jimin's eyes. "I guess it'll be revealed one way or another," He says softly.

"One month and a half," Taehyung mumbles, making Jimin's forehead crease in confusion at the phrase. "There's a month and a half until my mark day," The younger explains.

Jimin nods, understanding. "Let's just wait until then," he says, giving Taehyung a small smile.

Taehyung looks down, squeezing Jimin's hand in the process. Then, Jimin sees the first tear fall, and then the next, and then the next. "Tae," Jimin whispers, moving so that his knees are on either side of Taehyung's legs and his hands are cupping the younger's face. "Don't cry," He whispers, watching as more tears slip from Taehyung's eyes.

"Jiminie," Taehyung calls softly, his voice wavering as he pulls Jimin to him. "I love you so much," Taehyung says as he clings to Jimin, crying.

"I love you too, Tae," Jimin tells him, holding the younger tight.

"I love you," Taehyung cries. "And I don't think I can live as not being your match, I don't think I could do it, Jiminie," Taehyung continues, holding on to Jimin's shirt with a firm grasp.

His words make Jimin's tears being to flow as well.

"Then say it, Tae, say your name," Jimin starts to beg again, not letting his hold on Taehyung slip. "Please," Jimin says, his tears flowing down his cheek at a faster rate. Jimin can't go any longer without knowing. He has to know if Taehyung is who he desperately needs him to be.

Taehyung shakes his head against Jimin's shoulders. "I can't do it, I can't," Taehyung says, rapidly, in a refusal to Jimin's pleas once again.

A choked cry escapes Jimin's throat at Taehyung's response, not knowing why he holds on to Taehyung anymore. Is it out of love? Hope? Fear? Need?

He doesn't know, and that makes him cry harder, his grip on Taehyung lessening until Taehyung is the only one holding on, and Jimin's arms hand by his sides as more tears roll down his cheeks.

When they finally fall asleep, Jimin wakes up too early, Taehyung's arms still wrapped around him tight. Usually, with Taehyung by his side, Jimin would feel comforted, safe, but now he feels nauseous. He pushes Taehyung's arm off of him before running to the bathroom, and then he's throwing up into the toilet.

He heard footsteps running to him, and then Taehyung's at his side. Once Jimin's spell of nausea is over, he sits against the wall of the bathroom and flushes the toilet.

He can't bring himself to look at Taehyung and feels the tears prickling at his eyes. He looks down, letting his tears fall into his lap.

"Jiminie, what's wrong? Are you sick?" Taehyung asks, his hand coming to rest on Jimin's knee as another goes to his forehead.

"Don't call me that," Jimin says, pushing Taehyung's hand off his knee and his head.
"What?" Taehyung asks, sounding confused by Jimin's words.

"Don't call me Jiminie," Jimin says, looking to the side as more tears push them out of his eyes.

"Wha-" Taehyung starts before Jimin cuts his off.

"Can you get me some water?" Jimin asks.

"Oh, yeah, of course," Taehyung says, seeming confused by Jimin's sudden request.

The younger leaves the bathroom, and Jimin lets out a breath, feeling like a weight has been lifted off his chest.

He loves Taehyung so much, but he never knew loving him would be this hard.


I'm sorry for this T_T

I love you guys!

- AC

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