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After their second dinner with the four older matches, Jimin and Taehyung find themselves sitting next to each other on their couch. Their bond is healthy and gradually getting stronger. Taehyung can feel Jimin easily now, and he knows the older can do the same from the looks he gets sometimes when he feels something strange. They're happy. Everything is okay. It's okay in a way Taehyung never thought it would be.

"Tae," Jimin starts, his voice soft. The younger hums. "I'm okay with them being in our lives." He pauses. "I think it's okay."

Taehyung takes his hand that is already in Jimin's and squeezes it. "I think it's okay too," He sucks in a breath. Taehyung turns so that he's facing the older. "Jiminie, I- I think I‌ like him, Namjoon-hyung," Jimin looks at him, his eyes wide. The older's light shock peeks through their bond, but then, it morphs into understanding, something akin to agreement.

Jimin lets out a loud sigh before he sinks into the back of the couch. "They're all so nice, Tae,"

Taehyung nods, letting himself sink into the couch beside Jimin. "And, they're hot. God, they're all hot," His hand retracts from Jimin's so he can hide his face, it blushing a furious red.

He hears a bright laugh from Jimin. "What are we gonna do?" The older sighs. Taehyung lowers his hands to see Jimin's smile.

"I mean, we could, you know date them?" Taehyung gnaws on the inside of his cheek.

"Them?" Jimin looks at him, seeming surprised by Taehyung's suggestion.

"There's four of them, Jiminie! What else are we supposed to do!?" Taehyung's hands move up in a dramatic movement before falling back down beside him.

"I don't know! Maybe, take it slow!?"

"So, date them one at a time? They're all our matches, Jiminie! We're gonna end up bonding with them all at some point!" Taehyung says in a breath before quirking a brow at the older. Jimin lets out an annoyed groan, his arms crossing in front of his chest as his back sits against the couch once again.

"It's just, there's four of them, Tae. Wouldn't it be too much to try to develop feelings for them all at once?" Jimin breathes, his eyes fluttering shut momentarily.

"I don't think it'd be that hard. I can see it, a future with them."

Jimin takes a second to process Taehyung's words. Then, he nods. "Okay, if you can, I‌ can too."

The nervous tension in the air makes it a little hard to breathe. Taehyung and Jimin are back at the hyung's apartment for another dinner. They just finished eating, and now, the six of them have gathered in the living room. Taehyung and Jimin agreed that one of them would try to bring up the possibility of them dating the four other men, but that's proving to be harder than expected, the tension in the room making it hard to speak. And, if Taehyung's reading the room right, it almost seems as if the others want to say something as well, that it's not just him and Jimin. So, now, they're waiting to see who will break the silence. The hesitation not only hangs in the air but in himself. His bond with Jimin buzzes with excitement. It's a nervous excitement, but excitement nonetheless.

Hoseok clears his throat. "So, we were-"

"Taehyung and I‌ want to date all of you!" Jimin suddenly squeaks. Taehyung watches as each one of the hyung's eyes widen, their mouths parting open slightly from the sudden outburst.

Taehyung's own head whips around to look at Jimin's now red face. Jimin's hands are gripping tight into the couch, and Taehyung can tell that the older is fighting his want to flee and hide from the stares now focused on him and Taehyung.

The air seems to grow heavier as Taehyung waits for a response. "I- um, we would like that. We would like that very much actually," Taehyung looks at Namjoon, easily noticing the rosy color that his skin has taken on.

"I was just about to ask if you two were okay with us wanting to date you, but it looks like you got to it first,"‌ Hoseok adds, his tone turning something into something light and teasing. And, Taehyung's having trouble containing his emotions. He's ecstatic.

Taehyung bites back his smile when he nods. "Jiminie and I, we've talked about it. We're okay with it," He says, sucking in a breath as he takes in the different expressions in front of him. They're all a blend of happiness, and it makes something excited twist in Taehyung's stomach.

Another silence settles among them, no one really knowing what to say. "So, we're dating now?" Jimin asks, his voice quiet.

The four of them nod. "Yeah," Seokjin answers, his soft gaze meeting Jimin's. "We're dating now," Taehyung wants to jump around, scream, do something to get all of this energy out of him.

"This deserves ice cream," Hoseok suddenly says, getting up from his seat before he moves at a quick pace to the kitchen. And, that's how the six of them end up somewhere on or close to the couch, watching a movie as they eat ice cream.

Taehyung and Jimin lean into each other as the screen in front of them depicts some cheesy love story, but every once in awhile, Taehyung takes his eyes off of the television to look around. He looks at how comfortable the four of them are with each other: how Yoongi doesn't mind being squished between Namjoon and Hoseok, how Seokjin happily sits on the floor as long as Namjoon's fingers run through his hair. And, Taehyung wonders when they'll get to that point with him. He wonders how long it'll take and what will have to happen for them to get there.

His gaze shifts to where Jimin's head rests on his shoulder, and a small smile forms on his lips. There's no fear pricking its way through their bond. All he can feel is how content the older feels, and Taehyung knows that he'll do anything to keep him this way: happy.


Hehe, development. I felt like this chapter was an easy read, yk? If I write another chapter tomorrow, you'll get two chapters tomorrow. But, as of now, I have a chapter for tomorrow and a chap for Sunday.

Also! I have a discord server now! Go to my bio for the link or use the one on my message board! I stream when I write (so basically if you tune in at the right time you get to see Sevenths and my other fics develop before your eyes).

I hope you all are doing well ^^

- AC

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