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"What?" Namjoon can't believe it. It's not possible. He bonded with the three of them all at once? "That can't happen. Me bonding with all of you at the same time. No, stuff like that can't happen." Namjoon shakes his head. The disbelief filling his body makes him deny what just happened. He's also afraid to accept what he's been wishing for because if it didn't really happen, he'll be destroyed.

"Joon-ah," He looks to his left to see Hoseok. "It happened." Hoseok brings his hand up hesitantly and places it on Namjoon's arm.

Namjoon takes a second to register the Hoseok's voice. "Really?" He whispers, the overwhelming amount of emotions swirling throughout his body making his eyes well up with tears. Hoseok nods while looking into the younger's eyes with a soft look, and Namjoon breaks down. He's pulled to Hoseok's chest. "I know, Joonie, I know," The older whispers. He doesn't even notice the weight of the bed shifting until two more pairs of arms wrap around him. He can't help but cry from relief, from happiness. He's so overjoyed that he can feel the people around him, that they're connected by more than just one-way emotions.

He doesn't know how, but he eventually falls asleep in their hold, waking up the next morning in a tangle of limbs. His head rests on Hoseok's chest, and he's sleeping at an angle. One of his legs is trapped underneath Seokjin's legs and Yoongi's body, while his other is hanging over the eldest's hip and Yoongi's waist. Yoogngi is somehow sleeping in between Seokjin and the younger, with his arms held tightly around Namjoon.

Namjoon almost laughs at the position they're in until he feels Yoongi's knee press up against his bladder. He really needs to pee and is very uncomfortable at the moment. So, he begins to figure out a way to untangle himself from the mess of limbs around him, attempting to peel off Yoongi's tight grip around his torso. He pushes himself up the bed a little and removes his leg from Seokjin's hip. He tries very hard to pull his other leg out from underneath the two figures to his right, and when he does, he lets out a sigh of relief. He finally ninjas his way over Hoseok and onto the floor. He walks in front of the bed without paying too much attention to the floor, and before he knows it, his foot gets caught on a shirt and he falls forward to the ground.

"Fuck," He groans, feeling pain in his knees and arms from catching himself.

"Joon?" A groggy voice calls out, and Namjoon begins to feel a feeling of worry bloom within himself, but it feels different, as if it's not his worry. He then feels himself being helped up, and he meets Seokjin's eyes. "You're too clumsy for your own good," The older shakes his head with a laugh. "Are you hurt?" Seokjin looks over Namjoon with concerned eyes. Namjoon nods subconsciously, still distracted by the new emotion in his body. "You sure?" Seokjin gives the younger a look. "Namjoon-ah?" Namjoon moves his eyes to Seokjin and blinks.

"What?" The younger asks, still trying to register everything going on. Seokjin just shakes his head.

"I think you need some ice on your knee," The older says with a nod before exiting the bedroom. Namjoon then makes his way to the bathroom, his initial target before tripping. When he takes a step, he does realize how his left knee is throbbing.

After he uses the bathroom, Seokjin pulls the younger into the living room to tend to his knee without disturbing Yoongi or Hoseok. Seokjin doesn't trust Namjoon to hold the bag of ice to his knee for some reason and instead, tapes it to the younger's knee with some medical tape.

Namjoon still can't believe that he bonded with the others last night, and he's so distracted with the new feelings roaming inside him to really focus on anything. "I guess you can't go to the gym today," Seokjin sighs as he sits down beside the younger.

Ever since Namjoon discovered the nice gym in the complex. He's gotten back into the habit of working out which he did a lot in high school and during his freshman year at University. "I can still work out," Namjoon turns to Seokjin. "I can just use my arms more today," Namjoon explains.

"I won't allow it. You're hurt." Seokjin huffs.

Namjoon lets out a breath. There's no point in arguing with Seokjin. He always wins. "Ok, hyung, I won't work out." Immediately with Namjoon's answer, a pleased smile forms on Seokjin's face.

Namjoon sits up a little and feels a soreness in his back, his face automatically twisting into a wince. Maybe he went a little hard on the workout yesterday after he got home.

"What's wrong? Did you hurt your back too?" Seokjin turns his body so that his hand can slip behind Namjoon's back.

"I'm just a little sore," Namjoon tells the older. Namjoon turns his face to look at Seokjin. They're suddenly so close. If Namjoon were to lean forward a centimeter, their noses would touch. He lets himself stare into Seokjin's shocked eyes and get lost in them. He's almost shocked himself when he notices the want that seems to be radiating from Seokjin and into him.

"Joon-ah," Seokjin whispers, his eyes traveling down Namjoon's face. Namjoon doesn't hesitate to lean forward and connect their lips, Seokjin's hands moving to grip the front of the younger's shirt and pull him closer. They part and Seokjin moves one of his legs over Namjoon's lap so that he's straddling him. Namjoon brings his arm up around Seokjin's waist and flattens his hand against the small of the older's back. Seokjin takes Namjoon's face into his hands before leaning down and lightly pressing his lips to the younger's.

Namjoon knew he enjoyed kissing Seokjin, but it's different when he can feel how much Seokjin enjoys kissing him too. It makes him want to kiss the older harder, but softer at the same time. He can't help but feel his own love for Seokjin flourish in his chest. Seokjin delicately kisses the younger as if he knows that Namjoon wants more, teasing him. He then pushes one of his hands up into the back of Namjoon's hair before giving into Namjoon's desire by letting the younger kiss him hard.

They part with heavy breaths, and before Seokjin can do anything else, Namjoon pulls him into a tight hug. Seokjin's arms wrap around the younger as well as Namjoon buries his face into Seokjin's chest and takes a deep breath in.

It's going to take a while for him to get used to all these feelings.


Ooh- two updates today! Wow

I love how so many of you guys were like "Yes! They bonded!" in the last chapter. It was my goal to get that reaction from you, and I would consider that goal accomplished.

I'm not giving you guys any spoilers, but like the next 'ritual' is the intimacy ritual... lol I kinda gave it a way on my message board, BUT I'm still excited!

¡Siempre, te amo!

- AC

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