『Five-Sevenths Bonus』

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"Tae," Jimin chimes as he walks into the younger's bedroom where he is sulking under the covers on his bed. Taehyung made a small mistake at the restaurant he works at and got told off by his manager. He came home and cried a bit in Jimin's arms, clearly upset by what happened before going to his room to hide under his comforter. So, now, Jimin is determined to cheer the younger up, to get his mind off of what happened.

Jimin moves to the bed, attempting to pull the covers off Taehyung, only to have Taehyung snatch them back from Jimin's grip to keep them over his head. "TaeTae," Jimin says softer, encouraging the younger to come out of his hiding place. Taehyung lets out a sort of huff before revealing his face to Jimin.

"What?" The younger pouts.

Jimin lets out a light laugh at Taehyung's expression. "Can you step away from the bed for a bit?" Jimin asks, holding out his hand toward the younger. Taehyung eyes the older's hand for a few seconds before hesitantly bring his own into Jimin's grip.

Jimin leads the younger to the living room where he has turned off the ceiling lights, leaving on the lamps, along with a few candles he scattered around the area. He watches as Taehyung's eyes go wide. It's not much, but it's different than how the living space usually looks. Jimin cleaned it up a little, also pushing the couch and coffee table back a bit. "I was wondering if you would dance with me?" Jimin asks, Taehyung's attention now moving toward the older.

Taehyung's wide eyes scrunch up as he smiles. "I would love to," Jimin lets go of the younger's hand to turn on the soft music before returning to him. He places one of his hands on Taehyung's waist before using his other hand to grab Taehyung's. The younger lets out a happy laugh when Jimin spins him.

They sway to the music, and the look that forms in Taehyung's eyes has Jimin feeling all warm and tingly. It's a look of pure love, adoration, gratefulness. It's a look that holds so many happy emotions. It's a look that Jimin always hoped he would see in Taehyung's eyes.

He wants to do this forever: dance with Taehyung in their apartment with nobody watching. It's just them, him and Taehyung, and he wouldn't have it any other way. It's perfect.

At some point, the space that was once between them is gone, and their foreheads press together as they barely move their feet, not focused on the music anymore, it's rather, they're focused on each other. Then Taehyung's lips touch Jimin's, and the whole world seems to fade away. It's not one of those hot, frantic kisses they have shared many times before. Instead, it's softer with more care behind it, with more emotions behind it.

When they part, it's with a laugh and a smile, and Jimin can't look away from Taehyung. It's like the younger has him in some sort of trance. They continue to dance, holding each other close as they sway to the music that doesn't really register in their ears.

Eventually, Taehyung rests his head against Jimin's shoulder, pressing a soft kiss into the skin of the older's exposed neck. Jimin can almost hear the 'I love you' being said through Taehyung's actions.

Jimin almost jumps out of his skin when he hears a knock at the door. Taehyung's grip on Jimin's suddenly tightens, and the two of them lose balance, stumbling around together until Jimin catches himself on a wall. "I forgot I ordered us pizza," Jimin explains, his heart racing from the sudden adrenaline rush, letting out a nervous laugh. Jimin quickly goes to retrieve the pizza and pay, immediately calmed by the delicious smell rising from the box.

The two of them settle on the couch, turning on a movie to watch as they eat. Taehyung automatically cuddles up into Jimin after he finishes several slices of pizza. Jimin isn't finding the movie they're watching particularly interesting, but with Taehyung all curled up into him like this, he could sit and watch anything.

"Jiminie," Taehyung mumbles, shifts so that his chin is propped up on the older's chest.

"Yeah?" Jimin asks, not being able to contain his smile at the younger's cute action.

"You should give me a lap dance." If Jimin had been drinking something, he would have spit it out, but the only thing he can do at the moment is sputter.

"I- uh- why do- ca- are- what?" Jimin looks at the younger, shocked.

"You know, give me a lap dance, put all those dancer moves to use," Jimin blinks, shocked by everything coming out of Taehyung's mouth.

"Tae, I don't-"

"Naked, you should give me a lap dance naked," Jimin still doesn't know what to say. "Don't worry," Taehyung laughs. "I'd be naked too," Suddenly, giving Taehyung a lap dance sounds more appealing.

"I hope you don't want one right now," Jimin says, not prepared enough mentally to even attempt something like Taehyung probably has in mind.

Taehyung laughs. "Of course not," The younger breathes. "I didn't mean now!" He continues to laugh. "Maybe we could try this weekend or something," He suggests. "Oh, and you can even give me a striptease, Jiminie!" Taehyung tells the older, seeming like he just came up with the best idea in the world.

Jimin lets out a soft laugh. "Is this a fantasy of yours?" He asks, an eyebrow raised.

Taehyung lets out a chuckle. "Oh, Jiminie, a lap dance is nothing compared to my fantasies," The light and humorous mood disappears, being replaced by something thicker. "I could tell you sometime if you like," Jimin gulps.

"Water?" Jimin stands up, grabbing both his glass and Taehyung's, not waiting for an answer before going to the kitchen to refill both of the glasses. It was getting a little too difficult to breath for him to handle. The things he does to me. Jimin thinks, shaking his head before letting out a soft laugh.


Ahhhh, that was a fun bonus to write. Next week, we will be starting the adventure of 6/7 ;) and boy, am I excited!

Don't forget... April 13th is my bday which means it's tomorrow (in the U.S.)! So, that means you all are getting Sevenths Snapshots tomorrow! It's a separate work filled with little snapshots in the Sevenths Universe. So far, I have three (they're a little longer too) snapshots, but I think I might write a fourth today or tomorrow. I guess we'll see. 

Alrighty then, I hope I'll see some of y'all tomorrow when I post the Snapshots (remeber it's a separate work!).

I love you all so super duper much!

- AC

p.s. come and greet me on Twitter @ISpringDayI    (those are capital i's)!

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