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"They're at Namjoon-ah's place" Seokjin informs Yoongi as they walk out of the small restaurant.
Yoongi can only nod, too deep in his thoughts to say a word. Through his hazed mind, he suddenly feels Seokjin's hand in his. It's going to be okay is what Yoongi feels Seokjin saying through this action.

Yoongi's still not used to the new emotional bond he has with Seokjin. It's difficult to understand every small emotion that's thrown his way; it's like he's learning how to feel again.I guess this is what they mean by easy bonds and hard bonds. He begins to think that his brain is even trying to block Seokjin's side of things because sometimes he doesn't feel anything from Seokjin, but then he feels a jolt of whatever emotion Seokjin's feeling, and it scares him a little.

He just finds it odd in general, the sensation of someone else's emotions within him. When they got to the restaurant about forty-five minutes ago, Yoongi knew the reason why Seokjin picked it: it's close to the apartment building where Yoongi and Seokjin live, Namjoon also living close by.

Now, Seokjin and Yoongi are walking to Namjoon's complex. Seokjin holding Yoongi's hand almost makes it easy for their emotions to flow. The complex is about twenty minutes away on foot, and they are already halfway through their walk.

"What is Namjoon-ah like?" Yoongi asks, seeing as he has a pretty good idea of how Hoseok will react. Hoseok is probably just as worried and scared as he is, and Yoongi thinks that Hoseok will accept it, but there is that shred of doubt in Yoongi that increases his worry ten-fold, but he doesn't have a good idea of how Namjoon's reaction.

"Namjoon-ah?" Seokjin questions in return. Yoongi nods. "Well, he's very logical, so I think he'll understand the situation, but at the same time, he can easily overthink things, and that causes him to be nervous about said things." Yoongi lets out a sigh. Seokjin must have known that Yoongi was wondering how he would react to the situation.

"How do you think Hoseok-ah's taking it?" Seokjin turns to Yoongi.
Yoongi looks toward Namjoon's complex in the distance. "He's probably worrying more than he should."

Without any more talk between the two, they arrive at the complex. Seokjin clearly knows his way as he leads Yoongi through the steps of getting to Namjoon's apartment. Seokjin knocks on the door leading to where Namjoon and Hoseok are, and then they wait.

The door opens and reveals a red-eyed Hoseok. Yoongi feels his own shock, worry, and need to help overtake any of his emotions revolving around the multiple match situation. All he knows is that he has to help Hoseok with whatever is happening. Yoongi pushes past Seokjin to where Hoseok is standing. He cups Hoseok's face with his hands. "What's wrong, sunshine?" He whispers, looking into Hoseok's red eyes. At Yoongi's words, Hoseok begins to cry again. Yoongi pulls the younger to his shoulder and holds him in a tight embrace. "I'm here, I'm here," Yoongi says softly, his only thoughts telling him to comfort Hoseok. Hoseok's arms wrap around Yoongi's small frame and grasp onto the fabric of his shirt.

"I thought you were leaving us," Hoseok says in between breaths.

"I could never," Yoongi reassures him. Hoseok nods into Yoongi's shoulder. He feels Hoseok's arms around him tighten as they stand there. Yoongi shushes him and whispers soft words to him as he begins to calm down. Yoongi manages to somehow get him to the couch where Seokjin gives Yoongi a glass of water. Yoongi gets Hoseok to take small sips through his hiccuping breaths. Yoongi watches as Seokjin exits the room, probably to hive Yoongi and Hoseok some space. Yoongi continues to comfort Hoseok any way he can in the time they are left alone.

Namjoon eventually comes into the room with his hand in Seokjin's, them obviously having had a talk of their own. Hoseok turns his head which has been laying on Yoongi's shoulder for the past ten minutes and looks at the pair walking in. He sits up and wipes at his eyes. Yoongi can tell that Hoseok senses that a talk is coming. Yoongi makes sure to take Hoseok's hand, feeling the need to give him something to hold, and of course, that needs to be his own hand.

Namjoon and Seokjin sit down on the floor, them now being across the couch. Seokjin rests one of his arms on the coffee table and gives Yoongi a kind look, making Yoongi almost jolt up from his current position as he feels Seokjin's emotions run through his own body.

How do we start this? Yoongi takes a breath and looks at Namjoon and Hoseok, the unmarked of their small group. "How are we going to do this?" Hoseok's shaky voice is the first one heard. "I mean we have to be prepared to come upon the other three too." He continues.

"You're okay with all of this?" Yoongi asks, looking at Hoseok who nods.

"I was just afraid of losing one of us." He takes a breath in. "I don't know. This whole situation. I think it was supposed to happen. It just feels right to think that you're my match, andSeokjin's my match, andNamjoon's my match" Hoseok gives each one of them a look as he says their name.
Yoongi moves his gaze to where Seokjin is sitting and then Namjoon. Maybe this does feel right. He begins to accept it, sitting in Namjoon's living room with three of his matches. He turns to look at Hoseok again and thinks about how he always had secretly hoped the younger was his match, and as it turned out, he is one of his matches.

Everything seemed easy in that moment. Everything made sense: the love, the people. The world slowed down with each breath. No thoughts filled his head, only emotions, emotions of content, happiness, even excitement. In that moment, heaven came to Earth. No problems existed to harm his newfound family. It was almost everlasting, but everything has to come to an end.


So, I just divided one day into like three chapters... 

I think the beginning of these parts are always going to be a little longer.

Also, do you guys have any questions for me? If you do, drop them in any of my A/Ns, and I'll gather them into a Q&A at some point.

Love Ya!

- AC

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