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After dinner, the three families gather in the living room, unasked questions still hanging in the air. Namjoon's sister sits by him on one of the couches, Yoongi and Seokjin on his other side. Hoseok sits with his sister and parents on the couch across from Namjoon. Namjoon's parents settle in the chairs near the fireplace at the base of the two couches, and Seokjin's parents sit in the chairs on the other side of the two sofas.

Namjoon's father is the first to speak. "Are you sure that this is a real thing? I've never heard of someone being matched to more than one person."

"Well, part of that is that we've been trying to keep the information about multiple matches from reaching the public," Seokjin's father explains. "We manage and keep track of about thirty-five-hundred multiple match cases here in South Korea alone. It isn't the most common thing," He continues. "We also stay in contact with our international branches and partners. In total there are over 500,000 cases worldwide." Namjoon listens with open ears. He hasn't even heard that much about multiple matches. The information they were given last year must have only been a small portion of it. "We choose to keep the information from the public because it's common for multiple matches to commit suicide and go through other less-than-friendly experiences." Namjoon sucks in a shaky breath.

The younger's eyes move to his father. The man has his hands clasped together and is looking down at the floor. "It's just a little surprising is all," The man mumbles. "I couldn't really expect something I didn't know could exist, right?" He laughs. His eyes then flick to where Namjoon is sitting before they move to Yoongi and Namjoon's other matches in the room.

"How did you all meet?" Hoseok's mother speaks up, seeming eager to find out more about her son's relationship with his matches.

"Well," Seokjin starts. "Two days after my mark day, I had a name fit after hearing Namjoon-ah's name, so he was notified and we met as matches."

"Yoongi-hyung and I met after I ran into him on the first day of freshman year. He dropped his planner, and I had to find him to return it to him. We stayed friends after that." Hoseok continues. "We didn't realize we were matches until Yoongi-hyung's mark day. We went to MAMA, and Dr. Jang explained to us what multiple matches were."

A light pause fills the room, and Namjoon realizes that the others are waiting for him to speak. "We moved in together about a year ago, a week or so before my nineteenth birthday, and we've been living together ever since." Namjoon takes a breath. "We all have bonded, and I guess now we're just waiting for the others to show up."

"Are you happy?" Namjoon's mother asks, her eyes searching the younger's face.

"Yes," He answers, his gaze moving to where Hoseok sits, his head then turning to look at Seokjin and then Yoongi.

"Then, that's all that matters," She says, the corners of her mouth turning up in a soft smile.


Namjoon stares at Hoseok in a sort of disbelief. Usually, Hoseok would wear a little color for the charity event, but this year, he's wearing all black. And, god, he looks good. Namjoon thinks that he might be drooling from seeing the older look at himself in the mirror, and when he turns around to face Namjoon, the younger feels a little light-headed from how attractive he looks.

"Joon-ah?" Hoseok saying the younger's name snaps him out of his trance.

"Hm?" Namjoon blinks, his eyes wide. Then, he sees a knowing smirk form on the older's face, and Namjoon feels a sudden sense of gratitude for them both being in a bedroom and not out in front of their parents.

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