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Today is the day after Jimin's mark day, and school is going by in a blur. In dance, he just lets the muscle memory take over, seeing as he's barely been able to think even though they have a big showcase coming up. Jimin's been working his ass off, and now he has to deal with his abnormal mark. He has no idea what it could possibly mean for him. It's stressing him out. He was already stressed because of the upcoming showcase, but now, he's even more stressed.

He's eager to go home and hide under his covers where he's the most comfortable. Taehyung noticed how stressed he was last night and basically clung to him the rest of the time in an attempt to comfort him. Jimin's grateful to have someone like Taehyung in his life. His freshman year, he stayed in the dorms, and Taehyung was his roommate. They've been best friends ever since. They even got an apartment together this year. Jimin's been working at a little book shop, and Taehyung, as a waiter. They manage to get by. Sometimes Jimin wishes that the money was easier, but he's just happy that he and Taehyung can continue to live together and go to school.

After school, he has to work which he isn't too excited about, but the bills won't pay themselves. Jimin manages to get through his classes and lunch without his stress taking him over completely, and when he hops on his bike to go to the book store he lets the wind brushing past his face soothe him.

After the ten-minute bike ride, he arrives at the shop. He unbuckles his helmet and loops the lock around the bike rack. He then enters the shop and is greeted by the friendly face of Lee Jiyoung.

"Hey, Jimin-ah," She smiles.

"Hey, Jiyoung-noona," Jiyoung's a year older than him and has been working at the shop since before Jimin got his job at the shop.

"How was your mark day?" Jiyoung asks, her elbows propped up on the counter with her hands holding her chin.

Jimin feels his stress return as he answers. "Good, Tae insisted on recording everything," Jimin jokes as he grabs one of the aprons that are their 'uniforms'.

"Sounds like him," Jiyoung laughs. "Come on over here, and let me see your mark," Jiyoung says, standing up.

"Ah, it's nothing special," Jimin tries to get out of it, but Jiyoung insists.

"Of course it's special! It's your mark, Jimin-ah!" Jimin just continues to tie his apron but begins to struggle. "At least let me help you with your apron," Jiyoung sighs, coming behind Jimin before tying it for him. But, right as she finishes, she grabs Jimin's wrist and turns it over.

Jimin watches the expression change on her face from mischievous to shocked. Jimin takes his wrist out of her grasp. "I'll go put up some of the books in the back," He mumbles before quickly walking away, embarrassed.

He grabs all of the new releases they have in the back and brings them out. He starts his daily process of putting the books in the system before putting them up. Jiyoung doesn't say anything more to him, but he notices her looking at him when she thinks he can't see her. It's eventually time to close the shop, so Jimin puts up his apron and grabs his stuff.

Both him and Jiyoung stand outside the store as Jimin pulls out the keys and locks the door. He then goes to his bike and unlocks it as Jiyoung waits for her ride. Just as he hops on his bike, he hears Jiyoung's voice. "Jimin-ah, wait!" He turns his head around to see Jiyoung coming up next to him.

"What is it?" He asks, nervous about what she's about to say.

"I- uh- I," She then begins to stumble over her words. "I-"

"Jiyoung-ah! Come on we need to go!" Jiyoung's head turns, looking to where another girl who Jimin knows as Yerin is calling her.

"Sorry, I have to go," Jiyoung says before running off to get into the car with Yerin.

Jimin shakes his head before buckling his helmet on his head and starting his ride to the complex.

As soon as he enters the apartment, he is met with the delicious smell of take-out. "Jiminie!" Taehyung beams, from the table when he spots Jimin. "I got your favorites!"

"Thanks, Tae," Jimin says with a small smile, sitting down beside the younger. Taehyung basically insists that Jimin eats everything, stuffing the older. Jimin tries to deny the food that Taehyung brings to his lips, but every time he looks into Taehyung's puppy dog eyes, he can't help but give in.

"Tae, I really can't eat anymore," Jimin tells him, but Taehyung lifts up his eyebrow in disbelief. "I swear on my life, I've eaten everything I can," Jimin continues with his hands held up, and Taehyung finally brings the chopsticks away from Jimin's lips.

"Ok, well, I'll clean all of this up. You go take a shower," Taehyung tells Jimin.

"It's okay. I can still help-" Jimin's voice trails off when he sees the look in Taehyung's eyes. "I'll go take a shower," Jimin nods, getting up from his seat. He walks to his room and grabs a towel before going to the bathroom and turning on the fan.

He meant to take a quick shower, but he got lost in his thoughts too quick with the hot water hitting his skin. His eyes focus on his mark before one of his fingers comes up to it. He suddenly feels an odd feeling hit him. They weren't lying when they said it'd be sensitive. He continues to just trace the outline of the shape, the sharp feeling lessening.

Eventually, his thoughts travel off and he's just left standing there. His eyes glance across the shampoo, and he suddenly remembers why he's in the shower. He cleans off his body and hair, finally turning off the shower and stepping into the humid room.

He dries off his hair with the towel and his body before wrapping it around his waist. He then brushes his teeth before putting some product on his face that Taehyung forced him to get after saying his skin was 'too dry for a dancer' whatever that means.

When he walks back into his bedroom to change into his sleep clothes, he lets out a sigh. Showers always make him feel better. He then goes into the living room where Taehyung is on the couch. "Come here, Jiminie," Taehyung says softly, holding his arms out. Jimin easily moves to the couch and into Taehyung's arms where he feels a thousand times better. "Don't worry about it," Taehyung mumbles into the older's head. He doesn't have to say it; Jimin knows what he's talking about.

"It's so hard not to," Jimin whispers, leaning further into Taehyung, seeking his comfort.

"I know," Taehyung says before holding Jimin tighter and placing a light kiss on the top of his head.

Jimin's so glad that Taehyung is as tactile as he is. He doesn't know how he would've survived his first year at university if it wasn't for Taehyung's constant hugs. "Just try for me, ok?" Taehyung asks as one of Jimin's hands comes to rest on one of the younger's.

"Ok," Jimin nods softly, noticing how Taehyung's shoulders relax at his answer.


Wow, Five-Sevenths is finally here! It's always been my plan for Taehyung and Jimin to be roomates, and that plan has reached reality. I'm super excited and I have some fun chapters in store for you all!

Thank you all for sticking with me!

- AC

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