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Everything in the car is packed and loaded for the trip to Seokjin's parents'. Hoseok glances at Yoongi, the underlying sadness Yoongi is trying to hide still pulsing into Hoseok. The only time they could find to go see Seokjin's family was this weekend. And with them having to leave today, Friday, the anniversary of Yoongi's grandmother's death, Yoongi isn't able to visit his grandmother's niche. Seokjin was ready to call it off and drive to Daegu, but Yoongi insisted on them going to see the older's family. He wouldn't allow Seokjin to do anything different.

Now, Seokjin is driving them where he usually dreads to go, but this time, there is a different hope lingering in the air, but the nervousness still does not escape Hoseok's senses. Hoseok has never known Seokjin to be a nervous wreck, but last night proves otherwise. As soon as they all sat down for dinner, he didn't eat. He just stared at the food on his plate until Namjoon snapped him out of his trance. How anxious he was at that moment set Hoseok and Yoongi a little on edge, but cuddling in the bed seemed to help all of them calm down afterward.

As they get closer and closer to the mansion, Hoseok can see Seokjin's knuckles getting whiter and whiter from gripping the steering wheel so hard. When they hit a stoplight, Hoseok reaches over from the passenger seat and places his hand over top Seokjin's.

"Stop worrying about it," Hoseok says quietly, watching as Seokjin loosens his hold on the wheel and nods.

It doesn't take them too long after that to arrive at the gates of the 'Kim Mansion'. The anxiety in Seokjin spikes as he drives up the long driveway. Hoseok feels like he's having trouble breathing from how tight Seokjin feels, and if that's the case for him, then, that's the case for Seokjin too, but it's probably much worse. He tries to calm himself. If he can calm down, then Seokjin can too.

Seokjin pulls the car to a stop harsher than he usually would and turns off the engine. The four of them step out of the car, and since Yoongi was the one sitting on the same side as Seokjin, as soon as Seokjin gets out, Hoseok sees Yoongi pull the older into a comforting embrace. They all know that Seokjin is deathly afraid to do what he came here to do. They all know how hard it is going to be for him, and that's why they came with him: to support him.

They open the trunk, and before they can do anymore, a few of the workers rush over to them and collect their luggage. Hoseok thinks that Seokjin is about to vomit, or worse, pass out because the older's anxiety keeps increasing at a quick pace. Hoseok goes over to him and takes his hand, attempting to keep himself calm for Seokjin.

They walk toward the steps leading up to the entrance of the mansion, and before they can reach the top, the door opens, revealing Seokjin's father. Hoseok lets out a breath of relief. They're not having to face his mother or brother yet. "Seokjin-ah," The man smiles before moving toward his son and pulling him into a hug. "I'm so glad you came."

Hoseok can feel Seokjin calming down. He looks at Yoongi and Namjoon, flashing them a small smile. They finally start walking toward the entrance of the mansion. Seokjin is being led in with his father's arm around his shoulder, with Hoseok, Yoongi, and Namjoon following from behind. Hoseok recognizes the way they're going as the way to the living room. That must be where Seokjin's mother and brother are waiting.

The first person Hoseok sees is who he assumes to be Seokjin's brother. He's standing up, facing toward where Hoseok and the others are entering the room. Then, Hoseok's eyes flick to the couch where Seokjin's mother sits, trying to assess the situation somewhat.

Seokjin's father removes himself from Seokjin to go sit by his wife. Seokjin then stops, standing a few paces away from his brother. "Seokjoong-hyung," He breathes, his mouth parted slightly in shock, almost as he doesn't believe that his older brother is standing in front of him. Hoseok watches their interaction from behind, and he's surprised when he sees Seokjoong's eyes begin to tear up.

"Seokjin-ah," Seokjoong pulls Seokjin into a hug, and Hoseok watches as the older of the two siblings begins to shed a few tears. "I'm so sorry that I've been out of reach," Hoseok stops listening to what Seokjoong is saying when he feels a hand in his, pulling him to the other couch. Hoseok sits down, his hand still in Namjoon's with Yoongi close behind. Hoseok gets it. The two do deserve a certain amount of privacy even if there are five other people in the room.

Seokjin and his brother soon part, them both moving to take a seat along with everyone else in the room. "So, where's your wife and son?" Seokjin asks quietly, probably feeling a little embarrassed since he doesn't know their names.

"Oh, Sujin-ah and Jaehyun-ah? They're somewhere around." Seokjoong tells Seokjin, a small smile residing on his face.

"Jinnie, sweetie, I'm glad you came," Seokjin's mom smiles, seeming hesitant, almost waiting for Seokjin to snap at her.

"I'm glad I came too," Seokjin pauses. "Mom." Hoseok watches as the face of Seokjin's mother flashes through various emotions, her eyes tearing up at the small term.

The small mother-son moment is broken when Seokjin's father reaches forward and grabs a manila folder off the coffee table before standing up and handing it to his oldest son. The confidentiality agreement. "What is this?" Seokjoong asks as he opens it and pulls out the paper.

Seokjin's father then goes into a long explanation of how Seokjin is matched to six other people, ending with warning Seokjoong that he cannot tell anyone. Seokjoong nods and signs the agreement. "I put another agreement for your wife who you can tell at your own time, but I would advise against telling Jaehyun-ah. He could easily tell people without realizing what it means." Seokjoong nods, looking at the other agreement in the folder.

"Take some time to get adjusted in your rooms. Dinner's at five." Seokjin's mother smiles as she stands up, smoothing down the front of her dress.

Seokjin's father quickly pulls Seokjoong out of the room, leaving Seokjin, Hoseok, Yoongi, Namjoon, and Seokjin's mother in the room to themselves. "I told them to put you in pairs this time for rooms," She says with a smile before winking at the four of them and exiting the room. Maybe this visit won't be as bad as we thought.


Ooh, a chapter on a TUESDAY! Surprise! I had this chapter half-written on Sunday, so I decided to finish it today and post it for you guys to read! Lol, don't worry the real stuff is coming over the weekend with Seokjin's family. This is just the beginning.

I want you all to feel content with youselves :)

- AC

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