Part 3: Hateno and A Man Named "Lynel"

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Link has had enough of rain to make him feel like he will never be dry again. This is a good excuse to take a break to buy supplies and maybe some hood to keep the rain off his head for a bit. He realizes he forgot to find Purah in that one village. Link had given up on finding Hateno after he mixed up some directions and got distracted by Octoroks. Link also missed fire.

Hateno only takes him two weeks of traveling and teleporting to find. It would have been less, but the one guy he stopped for directions quizzed him about dreams and a bunch of stuff Link didn't understand before trying to chop his head off. Link knows the vocabulary word 'Yiga' well enough now to know it wasn't an accidental insult on his part or a customary greeting ritual on the other. The next person was, mercifully, not a Yiga and patient.

Link stumbled into Hateno that night and figured Purah would probably not want to be disturbed at this hour. Sleeping properly seemed to also lessen his worrying tendency to start wildfires. (Link wondered if he was always an arsonist, or if it is brain damage like his amnesia.) He looked around for a long time trying to find the darn inn and was relieved when the person at the counter acted as if he were a customer. He knew it was unlikely, but had worried he'd be seen as a possibly maniacal home intruder. The worry he got the building wrong vanished after the person accepted rupees and pointed him to a sleeping spot. Link was starting to think he was at least the maniacal bit. He also had to urge to stand on the counter when talking to the proprietor of the inn but suppressed it with a supreme force of willpower. Link needed sleep before he slipped into arson mode.

He was awakened by the light of the Blood Moon and remembered all the Lizalfos he'd slain on the way to Zora's Domain. No one present understood the ancient and colorful curses which spouted from his mouth. This was a good thing as otherwise, he would have had his mouth washed out with soap by the innkeeper.


"...Read these runes for me pleeeeaaaaase?" The little girl asked Link. She'd been asking Link to look at runes all morning and there were no signs of her stopping. Purah was thrilled to have a person who read/spoke fluent Ancient Hylian and Ancient Sheikah. Link was beginning to wonder if he'd have to sneak out when she wasn't looking. The problem was she still had his Sheikah Slate in her possession. The function repair was nice but he was wondering how long he'd be here.

Link got his Slate back eventually. Symin distracted Purah with a question at about three-o-clock and Link took the opportunity to say, "ThanksgoingtoteachaZorahowtocookbye!" He teleported out before Purah was able to grab him.


Link approached the Zora throne room after Prince Sidon had run ahead. Zoras' Domain was beautiful enough he stopped for a moment to appreciate the sight. He also appreciated that the place wasn't flammable. He'd hate to accidentally set this place on fire.

It was time to get this over with. Link needed to know.

"A mib einga ske dtoslay mons terso rwo rkas ac ook?" The Zora King looked at him funny and Link wondered if he got the words wrong. "Sorrybu tiha veto fr eea Divine Beast, idon othav et imef orco ok ing..." Link knows he should have listened much more closely to what Sidon was saying along the way. The simultaneous facepalms were a good sign that he'd messed up somehow. Link rehearsed the words on the way, but it could also have been a translation error.

Link tried again. "Zelda tol dm etoge tonb oar da Divine Beast?"


Later Link was hiking up the trail wondering who Lynel was. He probably wasn't too social of a fellow if he lived at the top of a mountain. Hopefully he was willing to share shock arrows. If there was a terrifying monster up there, Lynel probably needed those shock arrows for self-defense. Link thought he could sneak past the monster and trade or perhaps kill the monster as payment?

Two hours later Link stumbled into Zoras' Domain and found a guard. He quickly explained he couldn't find Lynel anywhere as best as he could. He was worried about the guy, clearly he'd fired a lot of shock arrows around the place. The monster had a large supply and had probably stolen them from the poor guy. He slew the monster up there but couldn't find the missing man and time was of the essence.

He felt so embarrassed when the Zoras explained Lynel was the name of the monster.


"...Good answer! Let's get going! OK! Here we go!" Link nodded enthusiastically as Prince Sidon explained a plan for attacking Vah Ruta.

Prince Sidon was happy the guy seemed to understand until he noticed Link was just standing there. Prince Sidon remembered the throne room and the misunderstanding about the Lynel.

"Should we go over the plan again? I'll draw pictures."

The pictures worked and Vah Ruta went down fast.

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