Part 15: Molduga Are Not Good Pets

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Zelda had become profoundly bored after a while waiting for a way to break the stalemate. The power of Nayru whispered in her ear saying Link was the key to victory. At one point she wondered if just letting the guy die and be reincarnated would have been a better plan than relying on an untested shrine. After a few decades of waiting, she realized there wasn't really anyone else who could take on the Malice.

Other people had tried. Not many. People came by for lost treasures too. She always cheered up a bit when people managed to escape with their life intact. She didn't begrudge people taking some stuff unless they were really disrespectful, Yiga, or other things like that. King Rhoam haunting his way out of there with the Book of Mudora was a particularly high point in her imprisonment. Zelda's hopes soared when Link finally woke up. There were some disadvantages to being able to scry on Link at any time. Boredom kept her watching the walking disaster-source known as Link despite the embarrassment she felt on his behalf. She had a number of complaints over the more destructive moments too. It had been one-hundred years. If someone else was going to free the Divine Beasts and get in here to slay Ganon, it would have happened long ago.

Ganon roared in anger as Link survived yet another battle. He couldn't see anywhere he wanted like Zelda; he had to rely on minions and the orange-eyes of malice goop. He hated losing more eyes to the persistent hero of antiquity.

Zelda rolled her eyes. "You shut up."

Ganon screeched eldritch curses at Zelda who snorted.

"Well maybe you should have done something other than try and destroy everyone? You aren't getting any sympathy here, monster."

Snarling rattled the foundations of the mighty fortress that fell to darkness a century ago.

"Weak? Hah. He kept you at bay for thousands of years without the Master Sword! Why-Oh no Link, don't do tha-nononononnonoooooo don't pet that Molduga!" Zelda, not for the first time, thanked Nayru for Mipha.


The East Gerudo Ruins stood proudly despite the long years of wear from the wind and sandstorms. They had survived earthquakes too. The Calamity? Didn't do much either. Mostly because Ganon didn't really care about these statues. Of course, Link, then Zelda imprisoning the mass of hatred incarnate did put something of a damper on the destruction. Heck, they'd even survived the most dangerous threat for any artifact of ancient times: Tourists.

Anyways. Urbosa would have felt herself lucky compared to the rest of the Champions if she knew they were still haunting their final resting places waiting to see the Blights die. She didn't try manifesting much these days. The Gerudo people through the years would come here on a pilgrimage to pay respects to her and their other ancestors. Urbosa at certain festival times would chat with so-and-so's great aunt whatsherface while watching the festivities with pride. Most of the ancestors had finished their earthly business and left with no regrets. They'd check in when called upon by Thunder Helm users and similar ceremonies. Sometimes a long dead sister would come back to figuratively roll in her grave if a descendant was being particularly stupid. Urbosa lent a sympathetic ear to one such sister many times.

Urbosa couldn't go join them. Not when her Little Bird was still in danger. There was no way she could go tell her old friend that Zelda was trapped. Urbosa still felt like she could do something. It irked her no end that a Yiga tried to spread a rumor she let Vah Naboris run wild. Luckily, no Gerudo believed a word of it. It would be nice if people could see her. Little did she know that last problem was soon going to have a solution.

These statues would probably survive Link. As long as Link wasn't there to tourist, they'd be still standing by the end of the week.


Link arrived on the scene and made a beeline for the statues. The wolf nodded at Link and took up guard at the entrance. Urbosa might not have recognized Link at this distance had it not been for his distinctive armor and blond hair. She manifested herself a little closer to see how he was faring.

"Well, if it isn't the little voe. Took your time getting here, didn't you..."

Link turned around trying to find the speaker. "Who said that?"

Urbosa was a little surprised but given that it was Link it figured he would be able to see spirits. "Oh? Finally, someone to talk to. Link, I see the Sheikah were able to save you." Finally.

"...Urbosa? Hi! I come find you! I got better except for amnesia. I only got back some memories. I need to go on Vah Naboris, can you help?"

"My people could help you if they have the Thunder Helm back. Pity only vai are allowed in... I might have a solution for you. Will you tell them to stop apologizing to me about that theft? It wasn't their fault it got stolen."

Link pulled out his notes. He knew he'd figured out the word 'fault' earlier and it was at the tip of his tongue. That and 'pity.' For now, Link asked, "Could you repeat? So I get words right?" Urbosa said the words more slowly the second time. After the message was duly noted, Link returned to the object mentioned. He asked, "What Thunder Helm? Stolen by Yiga?"

Urbosa tried to explain what it looked like to Link with hand motions, "Yes. It covers part of the face and has six blue circles on the front. It has this circular thing in the back..." as she was explaining, Link suddenly began checking his inventory. He pulled out the Thunder Helm and Urbosa laughed. "I should have known. You are going to save the Princess Zelda, are you not?"

Link did not need that question repeated. "Yes."

"Your prowess on the battlefield when defending Zelda was most impressive." Urbosa had not seen anyone with that much skill before; Link put even her swordplay to shame. He slew more monsters in the course of a single night than she'd fought in a lifetime. What had impressed her more than the slaughter was Link's drive to sacrifice himself for people who he didn't know and who had not been the friendliest of a welcoming committee. She really wanted to talk more but she was starting to fade from manifesting. She needed to finish now and didn't have time for the inevitable questions about past and future tenses. "I shall join Daruk and Mipha in assisting you. Please accept this gift, which has come to be known as Urbosa's Fury."

The thundersnap triggered a lost memory for Link to contemplate that night.

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